
Acceptable Ways to Receive Communion
The Eucharist is big. Really big. “The Eucharist constitutes ‘the Church’s entire spiritual wealth, that is, Christ Himself, our Passover and living bread.’ It is the ‘Sacrament of Sacraments.’” (USCCB)...
Acceptable Ways to Receive Communion
The Eucharist is big. Really big. “The Eucharist constitutes ‘the Church’s entire spiritual wealth, that is, Christ Himself, our Passover and living bread.’ It is the ‘Sacrament of Sacraments.’” (USCCB)...

Editors' Choice: Angels and Friars and More
Fr. Mark-Mary of the CFRs joins Jackie and Bobby Angel to talk about the priesthood and married life, while the Abiding Together podcast hosts discuss the power of divine mercy....
Editors' Choice: Angels and Friars and More
Fr. Mark-Mary of the CFRs joins Jackie and Bobby Angel to talk about the priesthood and married life, while the Abiding Together podcast hosts discuss the power of divine mercy....

Texting was God’s Idea: The Bible and Modern Teens
Do modern teens actually want to pick up a Bible and read or have conversations with mouths instead of thumbs?
Texting was God’s Idea: The Bible and Modern Teens
Do modern teens actually want to pick up a Bible and read or have conversations with mouths instead of thumbs?

How to Keep Young Catholics Involved after Conf...
Churches across the country will welcomeyouths and their loved ones as they embark on the latest stage of their personal faith journey. They will receive the sacrament of Confirmation.
How to Keep Young Catholics Involved after Conf...
Churches across the country will welcomeyouths and their loved ones as they embark on the latest stage of their personal faith journey. They will receive the sacrament of Confirmation.

Catholic Clergy Formation and Theology of the Body
Our culture is wrought with sex abuse, gender confusion, and deviancy. Fortunately, we have been given a gift that is a veritable dagger that we can thrust into the heart...
Catholic Clergy Formation and Theology of the Body
Our culture is wrought with sex abuse, gender confusion, and deviancy. Fortunately, we have been given a gift that is a veritable dagger that we can thrust into the heart...

Responding to 'Intrinsically Disordered' Confusion
“Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.’”
Responding to 'Intrinsically Disordered' Confusion
“Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.’”