
Four Ways for Catholic Fathers to Give Heroic Witness to Their Children

Four Ways for Catholic Fathers to Give Heroic W...

Nicholas LaBanca

As I look at my children every night before going to bed, I wonder what their futures will be: what type of vocation they’ll have, what kind of relationship they’ll...

Four Ways for Catholic Fathers to Give Heroic W...

Nicholas LaBanca

As I look at my children every night before going to bed, I wonder what their futures will be: what type of vocation they’ll have, what kind of relationship they’ll...

Verified Scientific Facts Supporting the Authenticity of the Shroud of Turin

Verified Scientific Facts Supporting the Authen...

Maggie Ciskanik

When the results of the Carbon 14 dating of the Shroud of Turin were released in 1989, it shocked the world.

Verified Scientific Facts Supporting the Authen...

Maggie Ciskanik

When the results of the Carbon 14 dating of the Shroud of Turin were released in 1989, it shocked the world.

Meet the Presenters of The 99: Joel Stepanek

Meet the Presenters of The 99: Joel Stepanek

Joel Stepanek

Joel Stepanek is one of the faith-inspiring presenters accompanying Mark Hart in Ascension’s latest study program, The 99, a new system for evangelization. Joel has been actively and passionately involved...

Meet the Presenters of The 99: Joel Stepanek

Joel Stepanek

Joel Stepanek is one of the faith-inspiring presenters accompanying Mark Hart in Ascension’s latest study program, The 99, a new system for evangelization. Joel has been actively and passionately involved...

English-Speaking Media Tempted by Changes to Lord's Prayer in Italian

English-Speaking Media Tempted by Changes to Lo...

John Bergsma

During the General Assembly of the Italian Bishops’ Conference May 20-23, Pope Francis approved a change in the Italian translation of the Lord’s Prayer.

English-Speaking Media Tempted by Changes to Lo...

John Bergsma

During the General Assembly of the Italian Bishops’ Conference May 20-23, Pope Francis approved a change in the Italian translation of the Lord’s Prayer.

3 Keys to Loving Dad This Year and Every Year

3 Keys to Loving Dad This Year and Every Year

Emily Cavins

Honoring Dad isn't a one day deal. It's a daily commitment that goes back to the 10 Commandments.

3 Keys to Loving Dad This Year and Every Year

Emily Cavins

Honoring Dad isn't a one day deal. It's a daily commitment that goes back to the 10 Commandments.

Pentecost: Rush of a Mighty Wind

Pentecost: Rush of a Mighty Wind

Chris Mueller

On Pentecost the Spirit invades creation in a new way.

Pentecost: Rush of a Mighty Wind

Chris Mueller

On Pentecost the Spirit invades creation in a new way.