
How to Determine the Morality of an Action

How to Determine the Morality of an Action

Matt Dunn

What if there were a great tool to determine the morality of an action? In writing posts like this, I often answer questions seeking such a tool, because many questions...

How to Determine the Morality of an Action

Matt Dunn

What if there were a great tool to determine the morality of an action? In writing posts like this, I often answer questions seeking such a tool, because many questions...

A Great Benefit to Having a Universal Church

A Great Benefit to Having a Universal Church

Matthew Pinto

It seems clear that God is permitting a loss of the universal Catholic Faith in one part of the world, while fueling its growth in another. The growth is seen...

A Great Benefit to Having a Universal Church

Matthew Pinto

It seems clear that God is permitting a loss of the universal Catholic Faith in one part of the world, while fueling its growth in another. The growth is seen...

Connecting Mary's Assumption with Christ's Transfiguration

Connecting Mary's Assumption with Christ's Tran...

Nicholas LaBanca

The liturgical life of the Church blesses us with many great celebrations throughout the year, all meant to help us reflect on some aspect of our redemption that Jesus Christ...

Connecting Mary's Assumption with Christ's Tran...

Nicholas LaBanca

The liturgical life of the Church blesses us with many great celebrations throughout the year, all meant to help us reflect on some aspect of our redemption that Jesus Christ...

What If We Just Wrote About What We Believed?

What If We Just Wrote About What We Believed?

David Kilby

Just write. This has been my mantra for the better portion of my life, and it has gotten me into some pretty tight spots and heated debates, some scolding admonishments...

What If We Just Wrote About What We Believed?

David Kilby

Just write. This has been my mantra for the better portion of my life, and it has gotten me into some pretty tight spots and heated debates, some scolding admonishments...

Reaching Various Catholic Groups with the Gospel

Reaching Various Catholic Groups with the Gospel

Matthew Pinto

As a Church, we need to always live in the realm of what is “real and true,” including how we need to carry out our evangelization efforts so that all...

Reaching Various Catholic Groups with the Gospel

Matthew Pinto

As a Church, we need to always live in the realm of what is “real and true,” including how we need to carry out our evangelization efforts so that all...

Deleting Debate: McCarrick, Capital Punishment, and the Demise of Discourse

Deleting Debate: McCarrick, Capital Punishment,...

Matt Dunn

Have talking points killed actual talking? In an era defined by polarization, I fear that humans have abandoned the ability to communicate via exchanging points of view. Recent trends, both...

Deleting Debate: McCarrick, Capital Punishment,...

Matt Dunn

Have talking points killed actual talking? In an era defined by polarization, I fear that humans have abandoned the ability to communicate via exchanging points of view. Recent trends, both...