
The Real Catholic Teaching on Underage Drinking

The Real Catholic Teaching on Underage Drinking

Dr. Andrew Swafford

In talking with Catholic college students, I’ve come to find that underage drinking is a hot topic. Inevitably, students point to the fact that they can go to war and...

The Real Catholic Teaching on Underage Drinking

Dr. Andrew Swafford

In talking with Catholic college students, I’ve come to find that underage drinking is a hot topic. Inevitably, students point to the fact that they can go to war and...

9/11's Moral Impact (with Connections to 24, Middle Earth, and Westeros)

9/11's Moral Impact (with Connections to 24, Mi...

Anthony Yetzer

The show 24 was a popular television series during the 2000s. It was an espionage thriller about protagonist Jack Bauer’s exploits to protect the United States from terrorist attacks. Jack...

9/11's Moral Impact (with Connections to 24, Mi...

Anthony Yetzer

The show 24 was a popular television series during the 2000s. It was an espionage thriller about protagonist Jack Bauer’s exploits to protect the United States from terrorist attacks. Jack...

Why Catholics Should Observe Holy Days of Obligation

Why Catholics Should Observe Holy Days of Oblig...

Nicholas LaBanca

Last month I found myself reflecting on several aspects of one of our principal holy days of obligation in the Church, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. As I...

Why Catholics Should Observe Holy Days of Oblig...

Nicholas LaBanca

Last month I found myself reflecting on several aspects of one of our principal holy days of obligation in the Church, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. As I...

Music Ministers Share Their Most Embarrassing Moments

Music Ministers Share Their Most Embarrassing M...

The Ascension Team

In our efforts to worship God with the gifts he gave us, sometimes our own flawed humanity is put on display more prominently than the actual gifts. We asked Catholic...

Music Ministers Share Their Most Embarrassing M...

The Ascension Team

In our efforts to worship God with the gifts he gave us, sometimes our own flawed humanity is put on display more prominently than the actual gifts. We asked Catholic...

Technology And Its Place in the Catholic Faith

Technology And Its Place in the Catholic Faith

Jackie Morgan

Pope St. John Paul II said we care called:: “To use science and technology in a full and constructive way, while recognizing that the findings of science always have to...

Technology And Its Place in the Catholic Faith

Jackie Morgan

Pope St. John Paul II said we care called:: “To use science and technology in a full and constructive way, while recognizing that the findings of science always have to...

If There's Clericalism, It Has an Ancient Root: Gnosticism

If There's Clericalism, It Has an Ancient Root:...

Anthony Yetzer

Prior to the allegations of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Pope Francis’ response to the most recent sex abuse scandal was to name clericalism in the Church as the major culprit...

If There's Clericalism, It Has an Ancient Root:...

Anthony Yetzer

Prior to the allegations of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Pope Francis’ response to the most recent sex abuse scandal was to name clericalism in the Church as the major culprit...