What Does "Ad" Mean in Advent?

What Does "Ad" Mean in Advent?

Ascension Team

What Is Advent?

Define Advent

Advent is a season in the Christian liturgical calendar that marks the beginning of the Church year. It is a time of preparation and anticipation leading up to the celebration of Christmas, or the anniversary of Jesus' birth. It is also a time to prepare for Jesus' Second Coming. The Scripture readings during Advent instruct us to be alert and ready for when we meet Jesus at the end of time.

Advent starts on the fourth Sunday before Christmas and lasts until Christmas Eve, which is December 24th.

Advent is a time to prepare spiritually to celebrate Jesus Christ's birth. It emphasizes reflection, repentance, and renewal as Christians await Christ's coming.

Many people use Advent calendars, Advent wreaths, and Nativity scenes to countdown the days of Advent. 

Advent also involves an aspect of penance, inviting us to prepare, quiet, and discipline our hearts to fully embrace the joy of Christmas.


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What Does "Ad" mean in "Advent"?

The word "Advent" comes from the Latin term "ad-venire" meaning "to come to," or "arrival." The "ad" part of Advent means "to" or "toward." 

In Christian tradition, the word "Advent" refers to the anticipation and preparation for the coming (or arrival) of Jesus Christ, both as a remembrance of his birth in Bethlehem and as an anticipation of his Second Coming.


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Is Advent a Catholic Thing?

Yes! But Advent is not only a Catholic thing. The season is observed by many Christian denominations. While the practice of Advent is particularly prominent in the Catholic Church, it is also celebrated by various Protestant denominations and some Orthodox Christians.


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Ideas for What to Do for Advent

There are many things you can do for Advent. The purpose of Advent traditions is to create a sense of anticipation, reflection, and preparation for the celebration of Christmas. If you want to come up with some things you can do for Advent, think about Advent's themes of hope, peace, joy, and love.

If you're wondering what to do for Advent, below are just a few ideas to consider!

  • Light an Advent wreath 
  • Put up a Nativity scene 
  • Use an Advent calendar 
  • Read the Bible (especially the Gospel of Luke)
  • Practice a form of fasting
  • Go to Confession 
  • Pray the Rosary 
  • Pray with the O Antiphons 
  • Meditate on the virtues of Mary and Joseph 
  • Write Christmas cards 
  • Read an Advent devotional 
  • Journal throughout the season 
  • Practice daily gratitude 
  • Volunteer or buy gifts for those in need 

    • Need an Advent Plan? Join Ascension this Advent!

      More Advent Content 


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