9 Advent Prayers for Catholics

9 Advent Prayers for Catholics

Ascension Team

Advent, the season of anticipation and preparation for the birth of Christ, offers a beautiful opportunity to deepen our prayer lives. As we journey through these 4 weeks leading to Christmas, Catholic prayers for Advent help us focus on the hope, peace, joy, and love that the season represents. 

Whether you are lighting candles on your Advent wreath or setting aside quiet moments for reflection, prayer can transform this time into a sacred pause amid the busyness. In this article, we'll explore meaningful, Catholic prayers for Advent that can guide your heart as you prepare for the coming of Christ.

Pray with Ascension this Advent


Short and Basic Catholic Prayers for Advent

1. The Hail Mary

A great Catholic prayer for Advent is the Hail Mary. This prayer is perfect to say at any time throughout your day. It reminds us of Mary’s fiat, her “yes!” to God, and of her journey to Elizabeth. Quick and beautiful, the Hail Mary is one of the simplest Catholic prayers for Advent out there. 

2. The Rosary 

The Rosary is a powerful Catholic prayer for Advent. During Advent, the Rosary takes on a special significance as believers prepare their hearts for the coming of Christ. The mysteries of the Rosary, particularly the Joyful Mysteries, focus on events surrounding the Incarnation and the early life of Jesus, fostering a spirit of anticipation and reflection. Praying the Rosary during Advent helps deepen one’s understanding of the significance of Jesus' birth and encourages a personal connection to the themes of hope, peace, and joy that characterize this sacred season. 

3. The Act of Contrition 

The Act of Contrition is a prayer of repentance, expressing sorrow for sins and a commitment to avoid them in the future. This is an important Catholic prayer for Advent because it aligns with the season’s call to prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ. Through the Act of Contrition, we ask God’s mercy and grace to cleanse us, creating a pure and open heart ready to receive Jesus and meet him at his Second Coming. By reflecting on our actions and seeking forgiveness, we make room for God’s love and light to fill our lives as we journey toward Christmas with a renewed spirit.

Pray with Ascension this Advent


Novenas for Advent

1. Novena to the Child Jesus 

The Novena to the Child Jesus is a beautiful nine-day prayer devotion that begins on December 16 and leads up to Christmas Eve, preparing the heart for the coming of Christ. This novena is a perfect Catholic prayer for Advent! Rooted in deep love for the infant Jesus, this novena reflects on his humility, innocence, and love for humanity. Each day of the novena includes specific prayers that express gratitude for God’s gift of Jesus and ask for blessings, peace, and grace to receive him fully. This tradition is especially meaningful during Advent, as it centers on the wonder of the Nativity and the hope, joy, and love that the birth of Christ brings into the world.

2. Novena to the Immaculate Conception 

This novena is a classic Advent prayer for Catholics. The Novena to the Immaculate Conception is a cherished nine-day prayer leading up to the feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8, a highlight within the Advent season. This novena honors Mary’s unique role as the sinless Mother of God, chosen to bear Jesus. Praying this novena during Advent deepens our reflection on Mary’s “yes” to God and her role in the Incarnation. Through this devotion, we seek her intercession for purity, grace, and openness to God’s will, preparing our hearts to welcome Jesus with the same faith and love Mary showed in bringing him into the world.

3. Novena to St. Anne and St. Joachim

If you're looking for a unique and lesser known Advent prayer for Catholics, this is the one! The Novena to St. Anne and St. Joachim, the parents of the Virgin Mary and grandparents of Jesus, is a meaningful devotion to pray during Advent. By honoring these holy figures, we recognize the deep roots of Jesus’ family heritage and the faith that shaped Mary, the Mother of God. Praying this novena invites us to reflect on the importance of family, tradition, and the passing down of faith through generations. Through the intercession of St. Anne and St. Joachim, we ask for a heart ready to receive Christ this Christmas and for grace to build a legacy of faith within our own families.


Pray with Ascension this Advent


Litanies for Advent

1. Litany of Peace

A beautiful Catholic prayer for Advent is the Litany of Peace. One of the key themes of Advent is peace. This litany reminds us to turn to God in all things, rely on him entirely, and work toward finding peace in him. This litany is one of the best Catholic prayers for Advent because it reminds us to calm down amid the busyness of the season. Find peace this Advent season!

2. Litany of the Holy Spirit

The Litany of the Holy Spirit is a powerful Advent prayer for Catholics. It invokes the gifts and guidance of the Holy Spirit, making it especially meaningful during Advent. This season of preparation invites us to open our hearts to God's presence, and praying the litany helps us seek the Spirit’s wisdom, courage, and inspiration. By asking for the Spirit’s virtues—such as understanding, counsel, and piety—we invite God to shape our lives and prepare us for the coming of Christ. Saying this litany during Advent deepens our reflection and readiness, helping us enter Christmas with hearts renewed and filled with God’s love.

3. Litany of Humility

The Litany of Humility is a profound Advent prayer for Catholics. This prayer asks for the grace to let go of pride, selfishness, and the desire for recognition, embracing instead a humble heart that reflects Christ. Praying this litany during Advent is especially meaningful as we prepare to welcome the humble birth of Jesus. This is a particularly appropriate Catholic prayer for Advent. In a season that invites us to reflect on God’s self-giving love, the Litany of Humility helps us set aside our own desires to focus on the needs of others and grow in likeness to Christ. By praying it during Advent, we open ourselves to receive Jesus with simplicity and grace, just as Mary and Joseph did.


Pray with Ascension this Advent


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Thank you Father Mike and Ascension Presents.

Emdy Bation

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