Welcome to the Encountering God Bible Reading Plan!
The Great AdventureThe Bible is rich with life lessons, and proof of God’s love for us. It is the story of salvation, the hope for humanity, and a sure way to make dialogue with God central to your life, when it is read correctly. So how do we find a way to motivate ourselves to read the Bible, while also finding a way to make sense of its mysteries?
Perhaps you had these same concerns when you signed up for the Encountering God Bible reading plan, formerly known as the 90-day Bible challenge. For the following year, you will receive a blogpost in your email giving you just the direction you need to make reading your Bible a more enriching experience for your spiritual life. The Great Adventure Bible Timeline’s Executive Editor Sarah Christmyer will take you through the 14 narrative books of the Bible, and share with you what she has learned. At the end of this journey, you will not only have a better understanding of the Bible. You’ll also more clearly see your role in the great story of salvation Christ invites us to enter.
This post was updated 1/11/2016 to convey that the 90-Day Bible Challenge is now the Encountering God Bible reading plan, which offers the same readings and reflections as the 90-day Bible Challenge over the course of a year. You can sign up for Encountering God here.