Undoer of Knots

Matt Dunn

One time, I looked around, and, seeing no one there,
Understood that I was all alone.
Raising my hand to her, knowing I needed precious care,

Let her lead through dark unknown
And, trusting her guidance, although I could not see
Drew close to her protective veil
“Yes,” I said to her, using the words that she

Used herself at Gabriel’s “hail”
Not aware what lay ahead, but trusting in her stride
Down paths with heart unsure
Of why, but knowing I could trust my guide.
Even unknowing what was in store.
Rather, I placed my trust right alongside my hand

Or, turned it over to her will,
For when it came to this harsh track ‘cross desert land

Knives, packs, tools; all worth nil
Next to her knowledge and her gentle soul
On this I’d trust her o’er everyone
That, in following her lead I’d reach the goal
Since she leads always to her son.

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