The Roundup of Ascension's Weekly Content
The Ascension TeamToday we roundup all of Ascensions’ free content from the past week. Find your favorite talents below, or perhaps discover a new favorite.
Ascension Presents
Fr. Mike Schmitz
Do Catholics Have to Respect Everyone?
Sometimes it can be hard to respect the character of a person you really don’t like. That’s no problem, says Fr. Mike, because you can still respect them as a human being and—if they are in a position of authority—you can still respect their position. Not everyone in our lives is going to earn the kind of respect that Fr. Mike would equate with trust. Those who have a respectable character will earn that trust though, and that’s the kind of person we should strive to be in other people’s lives.
Encountering the Word
Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
In this week’s Encountering the Word video for the Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jeff Cavins asks “What does it mean to be Christian?” To access the video, you may have to become a memberso you can receive our exclusive media content.
Matt Fradd
Patience and the Spiritual Life
Matt offersthe frequently needed reminder that we are all sinners, and that you shouldn’t despair when you fall into sin again. He encourages you to look to Jesus after you have fallen, be patient with yourself, and forgive yourself. Thank God for his mercy, renounce self-condemnation, turn from pride and begin each day anew by acknowledging God’s providence.
The CFRs
How Specific to Be in Prayer Requests
To prove how good of a father God is, Brother Malachi shares a story about the time he made his dad’s potato soup for a soup kitchen. The friars had five of eight of the ingredients for the soup in their kitchen, so Brother Malachi prayed for God to provide the other three: carrots, fresh parsley, and fresh chives. The carrots were kind of easy to find, but he didn’t expect to find the fresh parsley and chives; so you could imagine how his jaw dropped when he and his brothers found those very two ingredients in a trash bag with leftovers from a government housing kitchen. Talk about God’s providence!
Ascension Podcasts
How to Stop Yelling at Your Kids
Listener Tarcy reaches out this week with a question about how to stop yelling at her kids. She recognizes that it’s a bad habit, but struggles to stop.
Do you yell at your kids sometimes? Or maybe your husband? Or co-workers? Let’s talk about why this happens and some ideas for ways to stop yelling.
Working Moms, Quitting Smoking, and Can We Lose Our Salvation
Fr. Josh answers questions about the Catholic teaching on salvation, how to quit smoking, and struggles with being a working mom. If you have a question, comment, or response for Fr. Josh, email us at askfrjosh@ascensionpress.com. You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!
St. Therese – Malaise, Hurricanes, and the Little Way
How exactly can you live out St. Therese’s Little Way in your daily life?
Snippet from the Show:
The most important thing I can do is find ways to be present in the moment and offer small sacrifices of love every day.
Instrument Rated Christians
An instrument-rated pilot is a pilot who is able to fly using only the flight instruments within the plane. This allows a pilot to fly in low visibility without becoming disoriented. Today, Jeff shares how you can become an instrument-rated Christian, able to fly despite the storm within the Church today.
Ministry Minutes: Community
In an age of social media, is real community still important? We’d Love to Hear from You. Do you have comments, questions, or topic suggestions for the Ascension Roundtable hosts? Use the comment box below or email us at ascensionroundtable@ascensionpress.com. You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!
“Abiding Together” Launching September 17th!
Abiding Together provides a place of connection, rest and encouragement for women who are on the journey of living out their passion and purpose in Jesus Christ.
If you want to receive the first episode by email, click here to sign up!
Ascension Blog
Science and Miracles: The Intercession of Archbishop Fulton Sheen
by Michelle Miller
Some scientists might deny the possibility of a miracle because they mistakenly believe that miracles require the suspension of inviolable physical laws. Though there is no reason why God—as a super-natural creative being—would not be able to suspend the laws of nature …
The Real Catholic Teaching on Underage Drinking
by Dr. Andrew Swafford
In talking with Catholic college students, I’ve come to find that underage drinking is a hot topic. Inevitably, students point to the fact that they can go to war and vote at eighteen. So why in the world can they not enjoy a beer?
9/11’s Moral Impact (with Connections to 24, Middle Earth, and Westeros)
by Anthony Yetzer
The show 24 was a popular television series during the 2000s. It was an espionage thriller about protagonist Jack Bauer’s exploits to protect the United States from terrorist attacks.
Why Catholics Should Observe Holy Days of Obligation
by Nicholas LaBanca
Last month I found myself reflecting on several aspects of one of our principal holy days of obligation in the Church, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. As I reflected on the particular feast throughout the day, I couldn’t help but notice the somewhat sparse attendance at Holy Mass that day.
Music Ministers Share Their Most Embarrassing Moments
by The Ascension Team
In our efforts to worship God with the gifts he gave us, sometimes our own flawed humanity is put on display more prominently than the actual gifts. We asked Catholic music ministers what their most embarrassing moment was while leading music at Mass. Here are the top ten among over seventy-five responses.
Hero image by Mahir Uysal on Unsplash