New Videos and Podcasts from Matt Fradd, Danielle Bean, and More

New Videos and Podcasts from Matt Fradd, Danielle Bean, and More

The Ascension Team

Jeff Cavins asks the question, “What if we took Christianity seriously?” and Matt Fradd shares some tips on how to quit porn. Also, on the blog, Dr. Andrew Swafford offers some humble and honest advice for preachers. Enjoy Ascension’s free media this week, all collected in the Roundup below.

Ascension Presents

Fr. Mike Schmitz

Farmer, Priest, and Martyr

Blessed Father Stanley Rother was a farmer, priest, and martyr from Oklahoma who found a way to give everything to the Lord, even his greatest struggles and disappointments, because he knew nothing is wasted when given to God. Fr. Mike tells Father Rother’s story, and shows what we can learn from the undying love for Jesus this American farmer had. Fr. Mike encourages, no matter what hardships you’re dealing with, give them to God and your story will give him glory; bringing your life to fulfillment in the process.

Encountering the Word

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

In this week’s Encountering the Word video for the Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jeff Cavins explains that if we are looking for wisdom, all we have to do is ask God for it. You may need to subscribe to our exclusive media content to view this video.

Matt Fradd

Three Practical Tips to Quit Porn

Matt addresses a truth that may be hard to accept at first, but actually makes perfect sense: we tend to over-spiritualize addiction to porn if we or someone we love is struggling with it. We often think prayer and the sacraments are enough to overcome this sin. While these spiritual exercises are very helpful—as Matt explains—someone who is struggling with this sin needs to do something that attacks the problem more deliberately, directly, and externally. In this video, Matt suggests three practical tips to quit porn.

The CFRs

Poco a Poco: Little by Little in Faith

Sometimes we are hoping for a one-step solution that will solve our current problem, but more often than not that simply is not the way the Lord works. In this video, Brother Isaiah and Father Mark-Mary of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal demonstrate just how the Lord works through those who are patient and resilient in their walk with him, little by little, or “poco a poco”. Brother Isaiah shares the profound significance and influence of one phrase that has stretched across culture to bring people hope in their spiritual life, “Somos peregrinos caminamos al Señor. Poco a poco, vamos a llegar.”

Ascension Podcasts

Making Bible Study Do-Able (with Sonja Corbitt)

This week Danielle Bean is sharing a conversation with Sonja Corbitt, an amazing lady who calls herself the Bible Study Evangelista. You can check out all of her work at her website, You are going to learn so much from Sonja and her studies, but you need to also subscribe to her podcast, Bible study Evangelista Show, and follow her on Instagram so you don’t miss a thing!

An Invitation to Pray

Fr. Josh just got back from a retreat in Rome and Assisi, where he was able to go away and pray and be with Jesus, and it was awesome. So take the next 30 to 45 minutes you would have spent listening to this podcast and just pray and hang out with Jesus.

Fr. Josh will be back next week to address questions about broken marriages, racism, distractions in prayer, the war on drugs, abusive relationships, and anything else you want to ask about. Email Fr. Josh your questions about your faith, relationships, or moral dilemmas and be sure to check out his new book, Broken and Blessed.

Your Guardian Angel Wants to Help You

Angels are an important part of …well … reality! There are, God knows how many, creatures out there lighting, guarding, ruling and guiding. (There are others, fallen angels, seeking the ruin of souls.) Don’t forget that when you are seeking daily balance and progress. Pray to your guardian angel. Pray that powerful St. Michael prayer to ward off evil and plant yourself firmly in the service of God in the war for souls. Angels are with you, on either side of your tightrope, trying to keep you upright.

For more on guardian angels, see this article, Guardian Angels, Watch over Us.

And check out the latest from your host, Colin MacIver: Power and Grace: A Guide to the Catholic Sacraments and Quick Catholic Lessons with Fr. Mike.

How to Begin Dreaming

In this episode we talk about how to begin dreaming about the things God is calling us to, which is very different than the cheesy instagram notion. We also share about dreams being deep desires that God places in our hearts to build up the kingdom and how to invite the Holy Spirit to restore the broken place so that new life can come forth.

If We Took Christianity Seriously! Prayer

What if we really took Christianity seriously and lived out the teachings of Christ? When it comes to prayer Jesus said, “When two or three gather in my name I am there among them” (Matthew 18:20). If we really believed this, how would we pray? How would we live our lives, knowing that God was with us in prayer? Jeff zeros in on what we can learn from the Our Father in today’s episode.

Ascension Blog

Can Philosophy Provide Evidence for God’s Existence? Part 2

by Joseph Miller

This is the second article in the series on philosophical evidence for God.

In our last post, we discussed the logical necessity for the existence of an uncaused being (existing through itself) which is the cause of everything else that exists. Now, we will demonstrate that the uncaused being must be absolutely unrestricted and utterly simple. Read More …

Hospitality Challenges Us to Put Our Faith into Action

by Jackie Morgan

Speaking about hospitality in a homily on June 2, 2000, Pope St. John Paul II shared the following message:

“Like the disciples of Emmaus, believers, supported by the living presence of the risen Christ, become in turn the traveling companions of their brothers and sisters in trouble, offering them the word that rekindles hospitality in their hearts. With them they break the bread of friendship, brotherhood, and mutual help.”

Read More …

What the Laity Wants to Hear from Preachers

by Dr. Andrew Swafford

I am so thankful for all the good and holy preachers and teachers that have impacted my life, some of whom were instrumental in my college conversion, and many of whom have had an amazing influence upon my family and children.

I write in order to encourage you in your vocation as spiritual fathers. Read More …

Why Remain Catholic in Such Trying Times?

by Nicholas LaBanca

Last week, Pope Francis announced that the Vatican would be looking into “a further thorough study of the entire documentation present in the Archives of the Dicasteries and Offices of the Holy See regarding the former Cardinal McCarrick”. This also comes on the heels of another letter from Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, and a reply to that letter from Cardinal Marc Ouellet. For Catholics, particularly those in North America, it’s an understatement to say that these are trying times. Read More …

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

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