Meet the Presenters of The 99: Sister Miriam
Meet Sr. Miriam James Heidland, a presenter in The 99, our new system for evangelization, and the next follower of Christ in the Ascension Blog’s Meet the Presenters series.
Sr. Miriam is a former Division I athlete who had a radical conversion and joined the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) in 1998. Her story has been featured on EWTN’s The Journey Home, at the SEEK Conference, the USCCB Convocation, Relevant Radio and other outlets.
She holds a master’s degree in theology from the Augustine Institute and speaks regularly on the topics of conversion, authentic love, forgiveness, healing (and sports!). Sr. Miriam’s podcast, Abiding Together, can be found on iTunes and her book, Loved As I Am, can be found on Amazon.
Find out more about her story below.
1. When did you first feel called to evangelize?
Part of my desire to evangelize certainly came with joining religious life, but the majority came with encountering Jesus Christ on an ever deepening level. The priest that mentored me for many years radiated the love of Christ to others. I watched how often his heart for Christ would lead to deep healings in their lives, and that made a profound and unforgettable impact upon me.
2. Do you remember the first time you stepped forward and shared the gospel with someone?
Yes, and it didn’t go over too well! I have learned much since then!
3. How has your life changed since then?
My life has changed profoundly since that time. It’s been many years of allowing Jesus Christ to come and encounter me first and heal me and bring me into deeper intimacy every day. This gives a greater capacity to see the other person, to reverence and honor them and their story and speak the truth in love.
4. Have there been any particularly memorable moments in your life as an evangelist?
I think there is something very powerful when we appropriately reveal in vulnerability the areas where Jesus has encountered us and still continues to do so. Vulnerability opens doors to hearts and reminds all of us that we are continually on a journey of love and restoration in Jesus Christ and we all always need a Savior.
5. How has evangelization brought you closer to God?
Christ is the message, he is the heart of everything. Continually speaking about him only draws me ever closer to him. I am profoundly grateful for all the work and love he has poured out in my life and I hope it never ends.
Meet the Other Presenters of The 99:
Mark Hart
Joel Stepanek
Fr. Mike Schmitz
Mari Pablo
Cande DeLeon
Fr. Josh Johnson
Bob Lesnefsky
What are your thoughts? Do you have an interesting journey of faith in Christ to share? Leave a comment at the bottom of the page.
The 99 is coming soon. Preorder your copy today.