Healing Relics, Humanae Vitae, and More Catholic Content

Healing Relics, Humanae Vitae, and More Catholic Content

The Ascension Team

We get it. With all the content on the internet that diminishes Catholic values, it’s hard to find good quality media that helps build up personal faith. That’s why Ascension feels it is important to show you all the new content we offer on our website every week, to not only help strengthen your own Catholic faith but also to build up the Church. Here is what we posted this week:

Ascension Presents

Fr. Mike Schmitz

Developing a Clear Vision in Life

Do you ever feel like your life has no direction or purpose? Fr. Mike talks about how we can find meaning in our lives by defining goals and making small changes every day to help achieve those goals.

Encountering the Word

The Importance of Unity in the Church

In this week’s Encountering the Word video for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jeff Cavins celebrates the unity Catholics have in the Eucharist as he reflects upon the Gospel story about Jesus feeding the five thousand.

Matt Fradd

The Jesus Prayer Might Radically Change Your Prayer Life

Have you heard of the Jesus Prayer? This meditative prayer (like the Rosary) calls upon the name of the Lord in an act of repentance. In this video, Matt Fradd explains how it can help us “pray without ceasing” as St. Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:17.


A Healing Relic of St. Thè​r​é​se

Sometimes we believe Christ’s miraculous power to heal is something that only happened in the Gospels when he walked the earth. But in this video, Brother Malachy shares a story about a healing relic of St. Thè​r​é​se that proves “Jesus is the healer, and God is still in the healing business.” The faith of a family Brother Malachy met during a pilgrimage to Esquipulas, Guatemala, demonstrates in a powerful way how the Lord still answers prayers in a very real and active way.

Ascension Podcasts

Ministry Minutes: Complaining Won’t Help

At what point does necessary venting become useless complaining, and what can we do to stop ourselves? St. John of the Cross has some strong advice. Listen …

6 Ways to Banish a Bad Mood

Are you in a funk? Let’s get you out of it!

We all get in a bad mood sometimes, but it’s important to recognize that our feelings are not meant to be a weapon we use to punish other people in our lives. YOU are in charge of the mood you are in. If you are feeling down or angry or frustrated, there are positive things you can do to shift your perspective and change your mood. Listen …

Divorce, Going to Hell, and Being Angry at God

Fr. Josh answers questions about contested divorce, if mortal sin automatically leads to hell without confession, and if anger at God is a sin. If you have a question, comment, or response for Fr. Josh, email us at askfrjosh@ascensionpress.com. You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode! Listen …

Ascension Articles

Hearkening to Humanae Vitae: A 5 Part Series

Half a century ago this summer, the world witnessed the strength and conviction of Blessed Pope Paul VI, who despite the pressure of a culture fascinated with a new contraceptive technology, held fast to old ways. In a transient “society of the immediate”, Paul VI was pointing us to our deeper roots; to those ancient truths about the human person and the plan of God written in Genesis. Read More …

Hearkening to Humanae Vitae: Paul VI’S Prophecy #1

Today, we look at the first warning, found in section 17 of Humanae Vitae. Fifty years ago this week, Blessed Paul VI predicted that access to contraception would “open wide the way for marital infidelity,” (HV 17). One story alone will suffice to reveal that this first prediction has become a reality. Ashley Madison. Read more …

Hearkening to Humanae Vitae: Paul VI’s Prophecy #2

Today, we look at the second warning found in section 17 of Humanae Vitae. It predicted that access to contraception would facilitate “a general lowering of moral standards” (HV 17). Read More …

Hearkening to Humanae Vitae: Paul VI’s Prophecy #3

Today, we look at the third warning found in section 17 of Humanae Vitae. It predicted that:

“A man who grows accustomed to the use of contraceptive methods may forget the reverence due to a woman, and, disregarding her physical and emotional equilibrium, reduce her to being a mere instrument for the satisfaction of his own desires, no longer considering her as his partner whom he should surround with care and affection” (HV 17). Read More …

Hearkening to Humanae Vitae: Paul VI’s Prophecy #4

Today, we look at the fourth warning found in section 17 of Humanae Vitae. It predicted that access to and wide scale acceptance of contraception may lead to governments assuming the power to mandate contraceptives. Read More …

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