Editors' Choice: Sister Miriam, Fr. Mark-Mary, and More
The Ascension TeamIf your idea of starting the weekend off right involves immersing yourself in great Catholic content, take a look at our editors’ choices for best podcast, article, video, and new product from ascensionpress.com this week.
Hope and Healing in Times of Trial
Abiding Together Podcast
Sister Miriam, Michelle, and Heather talk about living with the reality of depression, anxiety, and hardships in life. They have some vulnerable conversations about their personal journeys, and share the things they have learned along the way that have anchored their hearts in the hope of Jesus and allowed for healing and growth. Listen to podcast …
Sister Miriam, Michelle, and Heather talk about living with the reality of depression, anxiety, and hardships in life. They have some vulnerable conversations about their personal journeys, and share the things they have learned along the way that have anchored their hearts in the hope of Jesus and allowed for healing and growth. Listen to podcast …
Close Encounters of the Divine Kind
by Fr. Thomas Dailey, OSFS
According to Pope Francis, the missionary disciple is “a self-transcending subject, a subject projected towards encounter: an encounter with the Master (who anoints us as his disciples) and an encounter with men and women who await the message.” Read More …
Give God Your Struggles
with the Rosary of Trust
The CFRs
Fr. Mark-Mary recommends a new way to pray the Rosary called the Rosary of Trust.
Dedicate each bead to a different worry or struggle in your life in a very particular way. If you’re worried about not having enough money to pay the bills, offer up an Our Father for that worry to pass. If you’re anxious about your next assignment at work or school, say a Hail Mary for God to give you peace about it. Watch video …
Broken and Blessed: An Invitation to My Generation
by Fr. Josh Johnson
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A millennial Catholic priest writes to his generation to answer their concerns about God and the Catholic Church, and invites them to discover what they may have been missing.