Catch the Latest from Fr. Mike, Jeff Cavins, and Others
The Ascension TeamTake a look at Ascension’s latest videos, podcasts, and articles below. Explore new content from established Catholic artists and emerging talents, all here in one spot. Revisit ascensionpress.com whenever you have the chance, and you’ll be sure to discover new material on our media page.
Ascension Presents
Fr. Mike Schmitz
Why Joy Is More Christian than Happiness
Happiness is circumstantial. In fact, the word has the same root as the word “happenstance”. And yet, despite how fickle it is, many of us base our lives on the pursuit of happiness. Joy, on the other hand, is the abiding and pervasive sense of well-being. Fr. Mike explains that joy is, as G.K. Chesterton wrote, “the gigantic secret of the Christian.” The Christian understands that God knows his name, loves him, and is here with him now. This never changes, and it is what gives the Christian a perpetual joy to which happiness cannot compare.
Encountering the Word
The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
In this week’s Encountering the Word video, Jeff Cavins discusses how to cut out the things we do, the places we go, and the things we watch that cause us to sin, as he reflects on the Gospel reading for the Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. You may need to sign up for our exclusive media content to view this video.
Matt Fradd
From Agnosticism to Catholicism: My Conversion Story (Part One)
It was a suicidal friend who inadvertently initiated Matt Fradd’s conversion story when he was twelve years old. In this video, Matt shares the first part of that story, and relates many experiences you may have been through as well while trying to figure out the universe. Big questions, unresolved conundrums, and the search for something more than this life all lead up to Matt’s most compelling cliffhanger on his Ascension Presents channel to date. Stay tuned for the second part next week.
An Idea for Those Who Feel They Have No Special Talents
What can we do for God if we feel like we have no special talents?
Father Mark-Mary recalls a time when he and a fellow friar listened to a monologue of a woman named Zoey for over a half hour. After they listened to her and went on their way, Mark-Mary, then a brother, asked his fellow friar—who had been with the CFRs for some time—why they just stood there and listened to her for so long. His fellow friar told him, “I don’t have much to offer, so if I can offer someone the gift of listening, I do.” This answer was a remarkable lesson in patience for Brother Mark-Mary, because it was profound in its simplicity.
Artist Spotlight: Aly Aleigha
Musical artist Aly Aleigha plays her song, Awestruck, and discusses the mission behind her music, which is to bring people hope amidst adversity. Find out more about Aly at aly-aleigha.com.
Click here for more Artist Spotlight videos.
Ascension Podcasts
Power of Connection
In this episode we talk about the power of connection and the shared human desire to be connected to one another. We discuss how authentic Christianity is not lived in isolation, the importance of vulnerability, being present to the present moment, and learning to love well and grow out of unhealthy patterns of relating to others.
Pray with Someone
Praying for someone is important, but praying with someone can start a prayer revolution!
Colin talks about the time he was stuck in traffic and called Brian Butler to talk business, but instead, he was invited to say a Rosary, and had a beautiful moment of peace with God in the middle of a stressful situation.
See Colin’s brand new collaboration with Fr. Mike Schmitz, Quick Catholic Lessons!
Cannibalism, Cremation, and Sinful Priests
Fr. Josh answers questions about why Catholics are not cannibals even though we consume the body and blood of Jesus, why burial is preferable to cremation and spreading ashes, and why the sacraments are still valid (in most cases) even with corrupt and sinful priests.
Why Remain Catholic?
Why should we remain Catholic when the Church is infected with corrupt people? Jeff understands that the Church is in trouble and being Catholic is not easy at this time, but the Church still has something to offer.
The answer is simple: this is the Church that Jesus founded. Listen to podcast …
Ministry Minutes: When You’re Planning are You Praying Too?
In the midst of a hectic fall schedule, busy Catholics need to do everything in their power to make time to be with God in prayer or adoration. Let go of your to-do list for at least thirty minutes a day and make praying your top priority. Listen to podcast …
This Is Why Your Marriage Isn’t Perfect Yet
Your marriage is the most important relationship you have. It is the foundation upon which your entire family life is built. If we are not careful, though, we can fall into bad habits and run the risk of taking our spouses for granted. Listen to podcast …
Ascension Blog
Suffering, Gratitude, and God
by Maggie Ciskanik
When asked to write a newspaper article on what was wrong with the world, G.K. Chesterton purportedly replied: “I am.”
The prevalence of suffering in the world is one of the biggest challenges for believing in an all-good, all-powerful, God. If God exists and is good why does he allow bad things to happen? And if he is all powerful, why doesn’t he just intervene and stop bad things from happening in the world and to us? Read More …
The Eucharist: Where We Begin and End
by Colin MacIver
We were halfway through an eight-hour car ride when I decided tonight was the night I would propose. Aimee had fallen asleep in the passenger seat, and as the highway zipped by, I prayed silently and solidified my decision. Since early college, St. Thérèse of Lisieux had been my go-to intercessor and spiritual role model; that night, I consulted her yet again. You’re my wing-nun, help me out, I asked this 19th-century French Carmelite. Help me be confident, smooth, and … well … successful! The engagement ring, as it had been for weeks, was with me. Read More …
How Herod the Great Honored the King of Kings
by Emily Cavins
The name “Herod” evokes a visceral emotion each time we read the Bible story of how he tried to get the Wisemen to tell him the whereabouts of the baby King of the Jews. The Wisemen knew that Herod was not the sort to honor another king, so how was it that Herod actual did? Read More …
Commonly-Challenged Catholic Beliefs Defended (Using Not Just Scripture)
by Nick LaBanca
If there’s one major stereotype about the Catholic laity that just won’t go away, it’s that Catholics don’t know the Bible. So often we hear from many non-Catholic Christians that Catholics are ignorant of Scripture. Sadly, there is some truth to that. Read More …
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash.
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