Ascension Roundup May 25-31
The Ascension Team
Did you know that Ascension publishes several new videos, podcasts, and articles every week on its website that feature respected Catholic speakers and writers such as Fr. Mike Schmitz, Jeff Cavins, Mark Hart, Danielle Bean, and Sonja Corbitt? We just want to be sure you were aware of it all, so we put together this roundup that summarizes all the free content ascensionpress.com has to offer.
Ascension Presents
Fr. Mike Schmitz
Ascension Presents’ popular series with Father Mike covers faith, pop culture, and headline reflections.
In “How to Be a Good Disciple”, Fr. Mike gives four basics for being a disciple of Christ. If you’re looking for a challenge, try what Fr. Mike suggests here. They’re simple tips, but they’re not that easy.
Encountering the Word
In “Corpus Christi Sunday Catholic Mass Reading Reflections”, Jeff Cavins shows how this Sunday’s Old and New Testament readings recount the blood covenants God entered with Israel, through Moses, and then with humanity through Christ.
Matt Fradd
Contrary to common opinion, arguing—when done with charity and gentleness—is actually oftentimes an effective way to get to the truth. In “The Catholic Method of Arguing Explained”, Matt Fradd makes the argument for argumentation while distinguishing it from argumentativeness. In addition to his straightforward logic regarding the matter, he gives biblical support from St. Paul, and you can’t argue with that.
Find out more about Matt Fradd at mattfradd.com.
The CFRs
Brother Mark-Mary, Brother PT, Brother Francesco, and Brother Angelus of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal can use your prayers and support as they were just ordained to the priesthood May 26. In their most recent video, “What Is the Catholic Priesthood?”, they discuss what it means to each one of them to become a priest. The best part is that, while these friars have found a special way to serve God and others, their examples can remind us of what we’re all called to do.
Learn more about the CFRs at franciscanfriars.com.
Ascension Podcasts
Don’t miss out on Ascension’s impressive variety of podcasts.
The Tightrope
In The Tightrope, host Colin MacIver invites his listeners to take three to five minutes to embrace opportunities to live out our faith in the midst of our busy lives.
This week, in the episode entitled “Princess”, Colin asks his audience, “What should you say if your daughter asks if she can be a princess?” Colin shares how you can explain to her that she already is.
The Jeff Cavins Show
In The Jeff Cavins Show, Jeff shares personal tips for living life as a modern-day disciple of Jesus Christ.
In his show this week, “Memories of Jesus on the Sea of Galilee”, he reflects on his recent trip to Israel.
Ascension Roundtable
In the Ascension Roundtable Podcast, Catholic ministry professionals share stories and brainstorm solutions to common ministry challenges.
In this week’s episode, “How to Talk About Fertility Within Your Ministry”, Alex DeRose gives practical advice on how this sensitive topic might be addressed within different areas of ministry, and she also explains how it is an incredible opportunity to evangelize women.
In this week’s episode, “Live a Simple Life (with Rachel Balducci)”, Danielle Bean and her guest talk about the importance of simplicityin all areas of life, from spirituality to homemaking and hospitality.
Ascension Blog
Ascension’s blog offers insightful and informative articles to help you know and live the Catholic Faith. Here’s a summary of what the blog has published this week.
It is hard to fully comprehend the experience of the apostles. These men have become giants in our minds, and truthfully, they are monumental figures, but even they had serious doubts about what they experienced. Read Chris Mueller’s reflection on the matter in ‘They Worshiped, but They Doubted’.
As he continues to answer common questions we receive on our social media, Matt Dunn address a seemingly simple question that has more levels than it appears in “Are All Sins Equal?”. Also, in anticipation of the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, Matt answers the question, “Can Catholics Receive Communion in Non-Catholic Churches?”
Lastly, The Tightrope episode from last week sparked such an interesting debate that we thought it would be worthwhile to share it on the blog. Find out more in the post, “Is the ‘Yanny or Laurel’ Debate Disguised Relativism?”
That’s our roundup for this week. Be sure to check back every week for just as much new content.
Photo by William Clifford on Flickr.