5 of the Most Valuable Gifts You Could Ever Give
Emily CavinsNow that we are moving from Lent toward Easter and the joy of spring, we automatically turn our thoughts to filling Easter baskets, and buying gifts for Mother’s Day and for the bevy of sacraments being celebrated – everything from Communion to Ordinations.
Birthdays, Graduations, First Holy Communions, Christmas…for every time and season, there are some gifts you can share which will never go out of style, and never lose their value.
No Dusting These Gifts
In light of my Lenten penance of cleaning out closets and the garage, I am reconsidering what I can do to avoid the problem of accumulating too many things (and giving too many things to others, as well).
In the area of gift giving, you might consider giving intangible gifts when possible. For example:
A basket of food of items you know your loved one will eat.
Donate money to a charity on someone’s behalf. (That was one of my husband’s favorite presents — to have money given to a homeless shelter.)
When you mothers are asked, “What do you want for Mother’s Day or your birthday?”, ask for something intangible, like a picnic lunch by a lake, or a movie, or a visit to an art exhibit…things you will enjoy and remember, but won’t have to dust two months later.
Inspirational Intangibles
Another gift idea that we have received we found very special was when we received a card, telling us when and where a Mass was being said for us. It made us feel connected to the Body of Christ even while standing in the kitchen opening the mail.
Inspirational books and CD’s are always a good idea to help feed the soul, especially if you encourage the receiver to pass it on.
As you think about the upcoming reasons to celebrate gift-giving occasions, remember above all to give life, love and time.
Because, in the end, that is so much more valuable than anything material.
What are your thoughts or suggestions on gift-giving? Let me know in the comments!