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The Power of Forgiveness: Pope Francis on Reconciliation

The Power of Forgiveness: Pope Francis on Reconciliation

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The Power of Forgiveness: Pope Francis on Reconciliation calls the reader to explore mercy of God through the grace of forgiveness.

This short compilation features impactful quotes from Pope Francis on forgiveness. The selections emphasize our need for repentance, awareness of one's sin, God’s divine mercy, forgiving others, and confession and absolution, among other topics. The beautifully designed text includes reflections for those going to Confession, as well as a special section for priests on their role as confessor.

Use it as a meditation before going to Confession, or ponder a few pages during Eucharistic Adoration to help you focus on God's call to conversion and healing.

Pope Francis’s words on Reconciliation would benefit Catholics of all ages and vocational paths: couples, adults of all ages, consecrated religious, and priests. Consider gifting a copy to someone being received into the Catholic Faith, or sharing this as a helpful resource for parish communities and schools seeking a renewal of the sacraments in their communities. Pick up this title and join Pope Francis in reflecting on the beauty of Reconciliation!

Previously sold by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).


SKU: 9781601376831
Format: Paperback
Weight: 0.351 lb
Dimensions: H: 7.06" W: 5.14" D: 0.36"
Page Count: 133
Case Count: 88
Publisher: USCCB
Publication Date: Aug 31, 2021
Copyright Year: 2021
Author(s): Pope Francis
Series: The Power of Forgiveness: Pope Francis on Reconciliation
Language: English
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