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The Pornography Plague and the Path to Christian Purity

The Pornography Plague and the Path to Christian Purity

by Jeff Cavins
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In recent decades, pornography has become pervasive in our culture. The days when obscene materials were confined to an urban “red-light district” have long passed - the Internet, cable television, and even advertising make it nearly impossible to avoid. Pornography has become a true plague, infecting nearly every corner of our society. Its disastrous effects are seen in sexual addiction, ruined marriages, and shattered lives.

In this powerful presentation, Jeff Cavins notes that many men struggle with pornography. Given our fallen human nature and the profound effects of permissive society, it is not surprising that even Christian men fall prey to its snares. With great insight and charity, Jeff shows how we can fight pornography’s devastating influence and helps us chart a course to true Christian purity.



SKU: 811661010365
ISBN: 811661010365
Format: CD
Weight: 0.19 lb
Dimensions: L: 4.875, W: 5.375, D: 0.40625
Case Count: 100
Publisher: Ascension
Publication Date: Oct 26, 2010
Author(s): Jeff Cavins
Series: The Pornography Plague, and the Path to Christian Purity
Language: English



SKU: 810155341176
Weight: 0.19 lb
Language: English
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