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Rejoice! An Advent Pilgrimage into the Heart of Scripture: Year C, Journal

Rejoice! An Advent Pilgrimage into the Heart of Scripture: Year C, Journal

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God invites you to deepen your trust in him this Advent season.

In this new installment of the Rejoice! series, Fr. Mark Toups guides you on a transformative journey to Bethlehem through the Sunday Mass readings. Drawing inspiration from Mary and Joseph's unwavering faith, you'll learn to recognize God’s presence even in challenging times.

Each day, in a few short pages, Fr. Toups provides you with aids to help guide your prayer:

  • A word Focus on a single word each day to help you enter more deeply into the theme of that week’s readings.

  • A reflection - Read a short reflection and meditate on Scripture.

  • A prompt - Journal every day. Write down your thoughts and the stirrings in your heart as Our Lord speaks to you this Advent.

This Advent pilgrimage will nurture your ability to trust in God’s plan. Bring your fears, doubts, challenges, and hopes on your journey to the Nativity. When you meet Baby Jesus in the manger, you will be blessed with greater joy and peace—and a restful heart!


  • 160 pages including lined journal space.
  • Full-color original artwork to help you meditate.
  • Family resources every week so you can journey toward Christmas together as a family.
  • Access to weekly videos featuring Fr. Mark Toups, Fr. Patrick Riviere, and Rebecca Abboud. Through their witness, conversation, and prayer, you will find fresh insights into the liturgical readings for Advent.


Single Book

SKU: 9781932645552
ISBN: 9781932645552
Format: Paperback
Weight: 0.701 lb
Dimensions: L: 8.25, W: 5.25, D: 0.4108
Page Count: 168
Case Count: 20
Ecclesiastical Designation: Imprimatur
Publisher: Ascension
Publication Date: Oct 21, 2024
Copyright Year: 2024
Series: Rejoice
Language: English


Case (20 Books)

SKU: 9781932645552MC
ISBN: 9781932645552MC
Format: Paperback
Weight: 15.0 lb
Dimensions: L: 8.25, W: 5.25, D:
Publisher: Ascension
Publication Date: Oct 21, 2024
Copyright Year: 2024
Series: Rejoice
Language: English
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Customer Reviews

Based on 28 reviews
Michelle G.
Rejoice always!

As usual, Rejoice! did not disappoint! I learned so much about my own heart during these meditations and was so thankful for the peace in the midst of the hustle and bustle before Christmas. Rejoice! helped me keep my eyes on Christ, share in Mary and Joseph's perspectives and draw close to the Lord. I love the title too as I have a figure of a woman Rejoicing with the Scripture verse "Rejoice always!" on my prayer table as a daily reminder. It is a blessing to me during the special seasons of Advent and Lent!

Rejoice Journal

I love these books by Father Toups,. It helps me to slow down and really contemplate this season of advent and really be excited to welcome Jesus more fully. They really bring back the wonder and awe of Christmas.

Best advent

I loved the book and the supplement book that took me through the Christmas weeks past Christmas day. The meditations were calming and opened my heart. Thank you.

David Y.
Transform heart

I continue to use the journal throughout the year almost daily as a companion to prayer. For example, I am almost daily going back to the meditation for day one of Advent on topic of 'known' and going deep with it. This has led to focus on Who God is and heart experience of His love for me. I had a very mixed relationship with my earthly father stemming from incidents as a young boy that has impacted my experience of my heavenly Father. This meditation is part of my daily work in forgiving my father and praying through my relationship with my heavenly Father.

Jean D.
Family Book club loved "Rejoice! An Advent Pilgrimage into the Heart of Scripture: Year C, Journal"

My extended family from all over the United States has a Catholic Book club that meets on zoom once a week. We read the daily readings individually and discussed the book as a group weekly. We loved the book, "Rejoice! An Advent Pilgrimage into the Heart of Scripture: Year C, Journal", and the companion videos. Thank you Fr Toups and Ascension Press!!!