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Interview with an Exorcist

Interview with an Exorcist

by Fr. Jose Antonio Fortea
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A Catholic priest shares his experience with exorcisms and the study of the demonic

In today’s culture of scientific enlightenment, many consider belief in demonic possession and exorcism to be superstitious remnants of the Dark Ages. Even many Christians, contrary to the clear words of Jesus in the Gospels, scoff at the notion that the devil and demons really exist. Is demonic possession real? Are believers really in any danger from Satan and his crafty minions? What is the truth about exorcism?

In this captivating book, you will find answers to these questions and many more. Written by one of the Church’s foremost experts on the topic, Interview with an Exorcist is based on Fr. Jose Antonio Fortea’s years of working as an exorcist, his extensive investigations of cases of suspected possessions, and his attendance at hundreds of exorcisms.


In this book, Catholics will learn...

  • The difference between demonic possession, obsession, and infestation
  • What really happens at an exorcism
  • The signs that show when possession is present
  • How to tell the difference between psychological problems and demonic influence
  • Why the number of possessions has been increasing in recent times
  • Why consulting mediums, dabbling in witchcraft, or having recourse to other occult practices is an open invitation to demonic spirits
  • Why the permission of the local bishop is required for an exorcism to occur
  • Why some within the Church disparage this essential apostolic ministry



SKU: 9781932645965
ISBN: 9781932645965
Format: Paperback
Weight: 0.441 lb
Dimensions: L: 8.5, W: 5.5, D: 0.375
Page Count: 132
Case Count: 72
Publisher: Ascension
Publication Date: Aug 25, 2006
Author(s): Fr. Jose Antonio Fortea
Series: Interview with an Exorcist
Language: English


E-Book (.epub)

SKU: 9798892760089
Weight: 0.441 lb
Language: English
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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Tara F.
Interesting and quick read

This is a very interesting and quick read; I couldn't put the book down. I've read one other book regarding exorcisms, and it was quite frightening, but this book is not. The author doesn't go into explicit detail, but enough to make you aware that the devil and his minions are very real and how they attack in the least likely of places. He also references Saints which started me on my amazing Saint journey. I highly recommend this book; you will not be disappointed.