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Called by Name: The Inspiring Stories of 12 Men Who Became Catholic Priests, Revised

Called by Name: The Inspiring Stories of 12 Men Who Became Catholic Priests, Revised

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Catholic priests communicate the glory of heaven through the ministry of the Word and the sacraments, especially in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the source and summit of our Faith. By fulfilling this mission, these men truly become an alter Christus—another Christ.

In this intriguing look at the awesome call to the priesthood, you will experience firsthand the joys, the struggles, and the extraordinary grace needed, and given by, these men we call Father.

In Called by Name you will meet:

  • Fr. Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R., a poor kid from Jersey City who would grow up to become the face of contemporary religious life.
  • John Cardinal Foley, a priest from Philadelphia who would become the president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communication.
  • Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J., who as a child was struck by stories of Jesuit missionaries, and answered the call to priesthood despite his father’s initial opposition.
  • Fr. Frank A. Pavone, M.E.V., whose pondering of mathematical concepts led him to an awe-inspiring trip through the Scriptures that continues to this day.



SKU: 9781934217368
Format: Paperback
Weight: 0.6 lb
Dimensions: L: 8.5, W: 5.5, D: 0.625
Page Count: 208
Case Count: 28
Publisher: Ascension
Publication Date: Jun 15, 2011
Author(s): Christine Anne Mugridge, Jerry Usher
Series: Called by Name
Language: English


E-Book (.epub)

SKU: 9781932645927
Weight: 0.6 lb
Language: English
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