Collection: The Catholic's Divorce Survival Guide

The Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide
by Rose Sweet
? A new and revised version of this program is now available. Click here to learn more.
The Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide is a twelve part program that brings healing and hope to divorced and separated Catholics. With the help of expert counselors, theologians, and priests, author and presenter Rose Sweet guides participants from pain and loneliness to hope and healing. Practical advice meets spiritual growth through the Sacraments, the teachings of the Church (including the Theology of the Body), and wisdom from experts and others who have suffered through divorce. As divorced and separated Catholics experience this pastoral program, their lives are rejuvenated, their hope is restored and their faith in Christ and his Church is renewed.
The Catholic's Divorce Survival program is a work of the new evangelization ..meant to bring people who might otherwise remain isolated into the loving arms of Christ. It weaves together the beauty of the Catholic faith and a process of healing for those who have divorced. Participants come to understand that it is in the Body of Christ that we find a Love that lasts.Bishop Leonard Blair
Toledo OH
The Catholic's Divorce Survival program is to be commended. It fills a niche too often vacant in materials for Catholic families who suffer the pain of divorce. This program has brought compassion and healing to many in the Rockford Diocese where the program has been in use for some time. The content is faithful to the teaching of the Church and blends empathy for souls with a clear exposition of the truths of the Catholic faith.Bishop Thomas G. Doran
Rockford IL
In the years I have facilitated our Divorce Healing Ministry support group, I have never seen anything even close to the responses we're getting with the new Catholic's Divorce Survival series. This program makes leading a group so much easier for me... All the work has been done for me. The DVDs feature "real" people that we all can relate to. The incredible cast of Catholic experts are down- to-earth folks who are easy to listen to... I, for one, am so blessed to be on both the giving and the receiving end of this program. It propels my own spiritual growth and understanding of what happened to me and why and helps me to bring hope to others.Giovanna DeSanti-Medina, Facilitator
Divorce Healing Ministry - Church of St. Luke's, El Cajon, CA
Participants will:
- Learn how to gain personal healing and hope
- Discover how to work through the emotional upheaval of separation and divorce
- Gain wisdom from experts and others who have share their experiences
- Learn how to navigate through new financial concerns
- Address questions of forgiveness, family, and new relationships
- Gain an understanding of the meaning and purpose of the annulment process
Reaching Divorced And Separated Catholics - A Proven Approach

DVD Presentation
With the help of guest experts, Rose Sweet guides divorced and separated participants through pain and loneliness to hope and healing.
Small Group Discussion
The class breaks into small groups to discuss the presentation and other material presented in the workbook.
Wrap Up Gathering
The full group comes together to discuss insights and share responses from the session’s questions. This communal step is crucial to the success of the program.