Why Jesus Rides a Donkey

Why Jesus Rides a Donkey

Dr. Edward Sri

Why does Jesus ride a donkey into Jerusalem? Is it significant? Dr. Sri offers the answers to this question in today’s episode. Dr. Sri also offers encouragement in being faithful to Christ both when life is good and when life is hard.

Snippet from the Show
Even when it is not apparent what you might get out of it, be faithful to what the Lord is asking you to do. Especially, be faithful to him in your suffering.

Riding a Donkey vs. Walking

You can quickly realize that there is something significant about Jesus riding a donkey when you think about his usual mode of transportation. Jesus walked everywhere. He occasionally traveled in a boat to cross bodies of water. But more often than not, Jesus walked. Then all of sudden, Jesus asks for a donkey and then rides it into the city of Jerusalem. Why? Jesus was fulfilling a prophecy.

Zachariah 9:9

Exult greatly, O daughter Zion! Shout for joy, O daughter Jerusalem! Behold: your king is coming to you, a just savior is he, Humble, and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.

Be Faithful to Him

Throughout his ministry, Christ had many followers. Of course, he had his close followers in the apostles. However, he also attracted very large crowds of people. They enjoyed listening to him preach. They were in awe of his miracles. However, were these people only following him as long as they could get something out of him? It seems like this could be the case. On Good Friday, where were they? This is a good reminder for all of us that we are faithful to Jesus out of love, not because we can get something out of him.

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