Traveling with a Significant Other, Prayer Lists, and Fraternal Correction

Traveling with a Significant Other, Prayer Lists, and Fraternal Correction

Fr. Josh Johnson

Fr. Josh answers questions about traveling with your significant other before marriage, how to prune long prayer lists when interceding for others, and how to charitably correct friends or family members who are not living virtuously.

Snippet from the Show

"The fruit of our belief system is our behavior."

Glory Story ( 2:15)


Traveling while Dating (4:04)

Hello Fr. Josh.

I was wondering if it could be a sin to travel with a boyfriend even if we book two hotel rooms or stay in separate bedrooms in a Airbnb. Could be a sin of scandal because of what our friends think? Is it better not to travel at all together before the marriage?

Thank You for Your answer!


Prayer lists (6:00)

How do you prune a prayer list? I started a written prayer list a few years ago. I jot down names as life happens and pray for each person as part of a 3pm prayer time. However, the list has gotten long and I'm starting to feel resentful and dread of how long it takes to go through the list. Some days I feel connected to each person as I pray, but most days it feels rote (sp?). I'm thinking I should re-write the list to be shorter. Several names, I don't know whether their issue is the same or resolved. Your advice is appreciated.

Thank you for your weekly inspiration. My favorite part of your podcast is a glory story. I started thanking God out loud for little things so that my children will hear me giving praise constantly-- like when my coffee is perfect, or I get a great parking spot. When it is my coffee, I always think of you. :)


Fraternal Correction (9:45)

My question has to do with fraternal correction. More specifically, I'd like to know how to not only lovingly correct someone I'm close to who's a semi-practicing Catholic (i.e. goes to mass sometimes) who's felt judged by people in the Church, but also invite them into a relationship with the Lord so the person on the receiving end doesn't feel like our faith is just a random list of "thou shalt nots" we need to follow. Thanks in advance!



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