Incorruptible Saints, Idolizing Celebrities, and Papal Infallibility

Incorruptible Saints, Idolizing Celebrities, and Papal Infallibility

Fr. Josh Johnson

Fr. Josh answers questions about incorruptible saints, idolizing celebrities, and papal infallibility.

The miraculous preservation of the bodies of incorruptible saints is a gift from God that draw us back to the Church.

Glory Story (2:39)

Feedback (4:06)

Incorruptible Saints (6:09)

Hi Fr. Josh,

I love your podcast! & I always think it's funny that you say you are directionally challenged because once in an airport in Atlanta. A lot of us were following you to the terminal because "its Fr. Josh he must know where he is going" haha. It was the weekend of a retreat for young adults in Camp Hidden Lake. Loved that retreat btw!

Anyways, I recently heard about the body of Carlo Acutis and how it is incorrupt. Amazing!

I have read some articles on it and they say that these bodies just take longer to decompose so the church puts wax on the body? What does it truly mean to have an incorruptible body?

Also praise God for Carlo Acutis and the mission he shared!

Praying for you!

Much blessings,


Idolizing Celebrities (13:09)

Hello fr. Josh, I'm 14 and I noticed that nowadays many young people (including me) have idols like kpop idols and sometimes all our time were spent watching their videos, I get confused what is the meaning of the word "idol" and how do you know if you are "idolizing" someone.... also I would like to ask if it is okay or is it a sin to have an idol or idolize someone?

Thank you in advance, God bless..

- Anonymous

Papal Infallibility (17:43)

Hi Fr. Josh,

Can you explain the teaching of the papal seat being infallible? I understand that even the Pope becomes fallible but I'm not quite sure about the circumstances which make this true. Lately, I've been questioned about my "obedience" to a Pope and I guess, for my sake, I want an answer that is rooted deeper than the biblical and historical claims for the relevance and necessity of the Father of the Church and I'm wondering if you can help me out..

- Anonymous


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