How to Stand Up for Yourself
Do you struggle to stand up for yourself? Many women don’t like to cause conflict and tend to be reserved when it comes to setting boundaries or speaking out against things that are offensive or disrespectful. This week, Danielle discusses why this is so hard and ways to meet the challenge of standing up for ourselves.
Snippet from the Show
Seek clarity on what is just and what is charitable and how to find the balance between the two.
My new book, Whisper: Finding God in the Everyday, is available to order!
Tips for Standing Up for Yourself
1. Know that it is hard, but you can do hard things.
2. Think about what advice you would offer a friend or daughter in a similar circumstance.
3. Ask for help! Seek advice from someone who has an easier time speaking out.
4. Practice! You might want to plan exactly what to say ahead of time and go through it a few times so you will feel more confident.
5. Consider your communication habits. Are there ways you diminish your perspective that are unhealthy or unfair?
6. Pray for clarity. God can help you know when to speak out and when to stay silent.
Listener Feedback
Danielle shares a voice message from Heather who was grateful for the recent episode on addiction and recovery with guest Keaton Douglas.
Song of the Week
I just love World Traveler by Andrew Peterson. Enjoy!