How to Respond to Spiritual Drought

How to Respond to Spiritual Drought

Do you ever experience dryness in your spiritual life? Throughout our journey in the spiritual life, there may be times without consolation or feeling the nearness of God. Dr. Sri explains why this might happen and how to respond to it.

Snippet from the Show
Sometimes, our wounds are so deep and our attachments are so strong that God has to step in in a profound way.

How God Works Through Spiritual Dryness

For someone who is faithfully pursuing a relationship with God through prayer, spiritual dryness can be very disheartening. However, God uses spiritual dryness as a type of medicine. He uses it to teach us that we cannot rely on consolation or “good feelings.” Through spiritual dryness, God teaches us to rely only on him. We are not made for consolations. We are made for God.


In addition to learning to rely on God alone, spiritual dryness also teaches us to surrender. It requires us to surrender what we want and turn to God. It teaches us that we are not in control.

3 Things to Do When Experiencing Spiritual Drought
  1. Persevere - Continue showing up for prayer. Simply say to God, “I am here. I love you. I will continue to show up.”
  2. Trust - Even though you may not feel the presence of God, he is present. He never leaves our side nor does he cease to love us. Trust him.
  3. Be Open to Praying in a New Way - God may be asking you to be more restful in his presence. Allow him to work in your life.
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