Giving Yourself Completely to God

Giving Yourself Completely to God

Dr. Edward Sri

Do you ever feel like God is asking to give more of your heart to him? Today, Dr. Sri teaches us how to take that next step in our faith journey so that we can offer our whole lives to God and experience his love on a deeper level.

"God doesn’t just want obedience, he wants our hearts."

Do you have a stirring in our hearts that is leading you to believe that God is inviting you to take a step deeper in your faith?

As we grow in our faith, God invites us to do more for him. He calls us to a more profound second conversion that compels us to give our whole lives to him, rather than to just follow his teachings in obedience. God doesn't just want obedience, he wants our hearts. As we walk with God over time, we might sense along the journey that he wants us to take us deeper. This often entails letting go of control and allowing God to be the one leading all areas of our lives.

After a period of faithful discipleship, God often calls us to trust him more with our dreams, ambitions, goals, desires, relationships, and vision of life. He desires us to surrender our time, talents, treasure to him for his greater glory. He aches for our whole lives to be offered to him as a gift so that he accomplish marvelous things through us. However, we must learn to suffer and sacrifice in order for God use us as his vessels of love in this life. When we give ourselves completely to God like the saints, our life will be infinitely more glorious, abundant, and fruitful than we could ever imagine.

“We sense an invitation at a certain time in life to risk everything and even life itself by means of a free, unconstrained offering to God .Only then perhaps can God truly do what he wants with us, with no question or objection from our part. Otherwise the effort of love tends to settle down into paste and manageable generosity undergoing the same aging and stiffening with the years as our body. ”- Fr. Donald Haggerty


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