Giving God Your Nothingness

Giving God Your Nothingness

Dr. Edward Sri

Do you ever feel like you have nothing left to give? There are seasons in our lives when we feel like we have nothing left to give to God, to our relationships, or to our jobs. Today, Dr. Sri encourages us to see our nothingness as an opportunity to meet God in humility.

Snippet from the Show

When we have nothing left to give, we can turn to God, knowing that he can take our nothingness and turn it into something beautiful.

Giving God Your Nothingness

  • When we feel empty and exhausted, it can be tempting to despair or grow discouraged, but God wants to meet us in our nothingness.

  • The angels and saints rejoice when we meet God in our nothingness.

  • A feeling of nothingness is good for the soul because it purifies our hearts to long for God and not just for his consolations. Sometimes we just focus on the consolations of prayer and what we can get out of prayer but the human heart’s deepest desire is not for consolations, or a feeling of closeness to God, but for God himself.

  • Even when God withdraws the feeling of his closeness, he is still present to us. In our darkness and emptiness, we can give God our nothingness.

  • Never leave the chapel, prayer time, or the Mass feeling like you have accomplished nothing.Offer to God your nothingness.

  • Our nothingness is an opportunity to meet God in humility.

  • Don’t let ever let a “nothing” day go to waste.

  • Our nothingness is never an excuse for spiritual sloth.

  • We can offer God our nothingness anywhere but the most powerful place to offer God our nothingness is at the Mass, where we unite our entire life to Christ. When we unite our brokenness to Jesus’ brokenness on the Cross, it’s lifted up to the Father and transformed.


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