Getting Your Spouse and Kids to Heaven (with Beth Sri)

Getting Your Spouse and Kids to Heaven (with Beth Sri)

Dr. Edward Sri

As Catholics we often hear that the point of marriage is to get our spouse to Heaven. And if we have kids, we need to get them to Heaven too. This can be incredibly overwhelming. However, Dr. Edward Sri is joined by his wife Beth Sri to help offer a better understanding of this daunting task. Together, they share their insight and encouragement.

Snippet from the Show
Be present to your children at all times and love them in every way.

Prayer for Families (from the USCCB)

We bless your name, O Lord,
for sending your own incarnate Son,
to become part of a family,
so that, as he lived its life,
he would experience its worries and its joys.
We ask you, Lord,
to protect and watch over this family,
so that in the strength of your grace
its members may enjoy prosperity,
possess the priceless gift of your peace,
and, as the Church alive in the home,
bear witness in this world to your glory.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Mother Teresa's Prayer for the Family

Heavenly Father, you have given us a model of life in the Holy Family of Nazareth.
Help us, O Loving Father, to make our family another Nazareth where love, peace and joy reign.
May it be deeply contemplative, intensely Eucharistic and vibrant with joy.
Help us to stay together in joy and sorrow through family prayer.
Teach us to see Jesus in the members of our family, especially in their distressing disguise.
May the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus make our hearts meek and humble like His, and help us to carry out our family duties in a holy way.
May we love one another as God loves each one of us, more and more each day, and forgive each others faults as you forgive our sins.
Help us, O Loving Father, to take whatever you give and to give whatever you take, with a big smile.
Help us, O Holy Father, to make our families one heart, full of love, in the Heart of Jesus through Mary.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, cause of our joy, pray for us.
St. Joseph, pray for us.
Holy Guardian Angels, be always with us, guide and protect us.


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