Fasting for Beginners, Spiritual Dryness, and the Engagement Season

Fasting for Beginners, Spiritual Dryness, and the Engagement Season

Fr. Josh Johnson

Fr. Josh answers questions about the importance of fasting and how to start fasting for beginners, how to navigate spiritual dryness, and how to prepare for the vocation of marriage as an engaged couple.

Snippet from the Show

We may not see the fruit of our prayer on this side of heaven, but the goal is to persevere and never give up because our prayers do bear fruit in God's own ways.


Fasting for Beginners

I know fasting is mentioned a lot in the bible and other church teachings. Other than Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, I don't typically fast regularly with regards to spiritual or penitential focus. Can you share what fasting may have looked like thru church history and how to start to add fasting for beginners like me looking to add this to get closer with our Lord? How would you suggest to open this area to social environments to avoid awkward situations with friends or family?


Spiritual Dryness

Father Josh, I’ve prayed for years for the conversion of someone very dear to my heart. I’ve prayed countless chaplets, rosaries, novenas and shed many tears. Unfortunately, I have not seen anything remotely close to a conversion. It’s an intention that has begun to affect my faith and now I struggle with prayer. I’m spiritually dry. It’s been a few months since I’ve spent time in prayer, and prayer has always been a source of peace for me. Can you please provide some guidance or encouraging words to regain faith and strength to keep pushing forward and shake this spiritual dryness I am struggling with?



Hi Fr. Josh,

My boyfriend and I recently got engaged and we are excited to enter into the vocation of marriage but also anxious about the future during these challenging times for Catholic families in our culture. What advice would you give to us so we can prepare for marriage this upcoming year? In addition to marriage preparation, how can we go deeper in prayer as a couple, and what habits, virtues, and practices can we adopt now so we can be holy spouses and parents in the future?

Thank you,



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