Man in a Catholic Church praying

Derek Chauvin, How Tall I Am, and Men in the Catholic Church

Fr. Josh Johnson

Fr. Josh answers questions on Derek Chauvin, why there are so few men in the Catholic Church, and how tall Father really is.

“In Heaven, we don’t have any unforgiveness in our hearts, we are completely aligned with the will of God, and the will of God is for us to desire the salvation of even the most hardened hearts.”

Glory Story (3:07)

Feedback (8:52)

Lack of Men in the Catholic Church (12:17)

Hi Fr. Josh,

Thanks for your awesome podcast! Thank you in particular for all the work you do to promote racial reconciliation in the Church.

My question is, Why are there so many more lay women than men in the Catholic Church? I see many faithful women in the pews, the young adult groups, the retreats . . . I see women taking their kids to Mass while their husband stays home. Where are all the men?? Is this a modern thing, or a Western thing, or has it always been like this? And how do we get more men to be involved Catholics?

Thank you and God bless!

- Aimee

Is Derek Chauvin the Body of Christ? (19:08)

Hi Father Josh,

I am completely new to your podcast! In fact I am about to listen for the first time. I have been a listener of Father Mike for the last couple of years. I am a 52 year old white woman and doing my best to be as Christ-like as possible.

I hope my question to you is not offensive. In your discussion with Father Mike, you discussed how we could pray for each other as the Body of Christ. We were to insert the name of a person into the prayer about the Body of Christ and by doing so we would build compassion for that person. Your examples were George Floyd, George Bush and a couple of others. I see Derek Chaivin as evil and the enemy, but would he also be a person that we should insert into that prayer possibly for the conversion of his soul? I believe it would be a hard thing to do, but is that not something that Jesus calls is to do? At this point, my feelings for him are disgust and disdain and as sinful as it is hatred, is that hatred justified?

I truly am curious, this is not meant to be a rhetorical question.

- Jennifer

Are you tall? A question from a 3rd grader (29:42)

Dear Fr Josh,

So here’s your random question of the day because my third grader loves seeing photos of you and our friend Fr Dean in Sacramento off my Facebook feed. Seeing other priests doing the same stuff our amazing pastor Fr Maxy does helps her feel reassured that all the members of the body of Christ are being well taken care of.

She was wondering if you’re “very tall,” and if you’re really tall, how you shop for your vestments and clerics.

And happy priest-iversary too. We’re praying for you!

- Heatherle


  • Pocket Guide to Adoration by Fr. Josh Johnson
  • Email your questions and feedback to Fr. Josh at
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  • Broken and Blessed by Fr. Josh Johnson
  • Ascension is pleased that our Catholic Community is starting to come Together Again — at our parishes, with Jesus in the Eucharist, or in small group settings where you can share and live in Christ. We invite you to explore our many resources and programs to help us all come together again.

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