Baptism and Salvation

Baptism and Salvation

Fr. Josh Johnson

If you are baptized, do you automatically go to Heaven? Do you have to be baptized in order to get to Heaven? In this episode, Fr. Josh answers a question about baptism and how it is linked to salvation. He addresses some of the different situations that can arise when it comes to baptism or the lack of baptism.

Snippet from the Show
We are created to be in relationship with Christ. It is essential that we participate in that relationship.

Glory Story (1:20)

Listener Question (4:08)

Is baptism a guarantee to get into heaven? I feel that so many people are baptized and then don't live in faith or even know Jesus. Do they still get to go to heaven? Do they just stay in Purgatory? I’m really confused by the Church’s teaching on this.

Saint Story: Blessed Sára Salkaházi (10:45)

Blessed Sára Salkaházi was born on May 11, 1899 in Hungary. She was described by many as fun and smart. As an adult, she began her working life as a teacher, but eventually she worked in a millinery shop. While working in both positions, she also wrote articles for different newspapers. Her articles dealt with social issues, primarily women’s social issues.

Eventually, she met the Sisters of Social Service. She felt called to join them but was denied. After receiving this initial rejection, she quit smoking and reapplied. She was accepted into the society at age 30.

During her time with the Sisters of Social Service, she had many different responsibilities and faced a number of hardships. She worked with Catholic Charities, a Catholic women’s journal, a religious bookstore, and a shelter for the poor. Eventually, she was put in charge of the National Girls’ Movement.

Blessed Sára Salkaházi had a desire to do mission work in foreign countries, but it was then that World War II broke out. With the Sisters of Social Service, she helped to provide safe havens for many Jews. By the end of her life, Blessed Sára Salkaházi was responsible for saving 100 Jewish lives.

On December 27, 1944, Blessed Sára Salkaházi was returning to the GIrls’ Home with another sister. They saw that the Nazis had come to the house. Rather than run, Blessed Sára Salkaházi entered the house. The Nazis checked the papers of all the people in the house. A number of the residents were refugees with false papers. Some were taken away to the ghetto. Those that were deemed “in charge” were then escorted out of the house and taken to the Danube Embankment. This group included Blessed Sára Salkaházi. At the embankment, the group was lined up. Blessed Sára Salkaházi knelt before the entire group was shot and killed.

Each year since her death, the Sisters of Social Service hold a candlelight memorial at the Danube Embankment.

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