8 Little Ideas for Holy Week
Holy Week is here! Whether Lent went well for you or not, Danielle brings eight small ideas for you to consider doing this Holy Week. Hopefully, acting on one of these ideas will help you enter more deeply into this Holy Week so that you can grow closer to the Lord.
Snippet from the Show
Going to confession and receiving God’s mercy is a wonderful way to prepare yourself for Easter, for Jesus.
Danielle's new book, Whisper: Finding God in the Everyday, is available to order!
1. Do a little something more.
You might recommit to your fasts or make a new and deeper commitment to prayer. Look for a way to give a little more this week.
2. Read the Bible.
Read Scripture every day. The daily readings this week are a rich and beautiful place to start.
3. Go to confession.
No excuses! Now is the time to get cleaned up for Easter.
4. Clean Up
Declutter a place in your home or clean the bathrooms or floors, a physical reminder of the spiritual ways we are “cleaning house” this time of year.
5. Let go of something.
Forgive someone or let go of a mistake you have made in the past. Jesus said “It is finished,” so don’t contradict!
6. Keep quiet.
Go to adoration or just speak less, or keep your devices off more than usual this week.
7. Pray the Stations
Pray the Stations of the Cross, especially on Good Friday. (Here is a copy of the Scriptural Stations of the Cross by St. John II I mentioned)
8. Make something.
Bake some Lenten pretzels! Or some other recipe or craft that will help mark this week as different from others throughout the year.