5 Ways to Be More Productive
Do you want to be more productive? Productivity is not an indication of our worth nor does it define who we are. However, learning how to be productive can be very helpful for our daily lives. Danielle offers five ways to become more productive.
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Your self-worth comes from who God made you to be: his beloved child.
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5 Ways to Be More Productive and Efficient in Your Day
Get up early.
You probably already know this one, but there is no substitute for getting up early and diving into whatever needs to be done. Just be sure you are getting to bed earlier too!
Do less stuff.
This might sound counterintuitive if you are trying to do more in your day, but give some thought to some of the things you might do – maybe without even thinking about it – that ultimately are a waste of time. Or maybe you have time commitments that no longer are important to you and you could give those up in favor of focusing on your real priorities.
Schedule your work.
Even if the thing you want to accomplish is not technically a work or social obligation – like cleaning out your kid’s bedroom or working out – put it on your calendar. Having a time set aside for the task takes the guesswork out of your day and allows you to be deliberate about how you are spending your time.
Take breaks.
Break up your daily work by having times when you take breaks from it. I really recommend the Pomodoro technique but find what works for you. You can also take “breaks” by varying the kinds of tasks you do throughout the day. Try alternating physical work with mental work, for example.
Reward yourself.
Think of the simple way you might “bribe” a child to do something they don;t want to do and apply that same logic to yourself. Once your work is done, “celebrate” with a cup of tea or have a special dinner with your husband after a big project is done. You can also “reward” yourself with small breaks where you read a book you love or scroll social media for a set period of time. Find out what motivates you, and then reward yourself for getting stuff done.
Listener Question/Feedback (35:39)
Song of the Week
This week’s special song is No Hard Feelings from the Avett Brothers. I have seen them in concert twice, and let me tell you – they put on a show! But I love the deep reflection of this beautifully simple song.