3 Ways to Encounter God’s Mercy

3 Ways to Encounter God’s Mercy

Dr. Edward Sri

Do you have a hard time receiving God’s love and mercy? Today, Dr. Sri shows us the three ways we can encounter God’s mercy during Mass when we recite the simple yet powerful “Lord, have mercy” prayer.

Snippet of the Show

While God wants us to acknowledge our sins and sincerely repent, he does not want us to condemn ourselves. God is a loving, kind, and tender Father, the devil is the accuser.

The “Lord, have mercy” prayer is meant to encourage us and help us encounter God’s mercy. It’s part of building our intimate friendship with God. There are three main ways we see people calling on God’s mercy in Scripture:

  1. Forgiveness of Sins

God desires us to be free from the shame we experience as a result of our sins and brokenness. While God wants us to acknowledge our sins, he does not want us to condemn ourselves. God is a loving, kind, and tender Father, the devil is the accuser. God loves us unconditionally, and when we ask for his mercy, he rejoices in our contrite hearts and sees the goodness of our hearts.

  1. Healing

In the gospels, we often see that when people approach Jesus for mercy, they often ask for healing.

“And as Jesus passed on from there, two blind men followed him, crying aloud, “Have mercy on us, Son of David.”- Matthew 9:27

God's mercy heals us. It overflows into the areas of suffering, pain, fear, sadness, and anxiety in our lives. Jesus wants us to give him our fears, worries, wounds, and insecurities so he can heal us and make us whole.

  1. Intercession

We can ask for God’s mercy for other people who are suffering deeply. When we ask for God’s mercy on behalf of others we are entrusting those we love to him. Asking for God’s mercy for others is a very powerful tool of intercession for our brothers and sisters.

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After a decade of helping Catholics understand the Mass, A Bible Walk Through the Mass has been refilmed for a 10th anniversary edition!

Join this five-part program for an exciting tour of the Liturgy and its biblical roots. You will come to understand the profound significance of what we say and do at every Mass—and you will see its words and gestures in a new light, helping to deepen your participation in the Sacred Liturgy.

In this study, Catholics will…

  • Learn the biblical background to the words, prayers, and gestures of the Liturgy and become more deeply enriched by its profound mystery
  • Discover the relationship between the Mass and Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary
  • Explore the three key aspects of the Mass as Sacrifice, Real Presence, and Holy Communion
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New features of this 10th anniversary edition of A Biblical Walk Through the Mass include:

  • Video footage of a Mass celebrated at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia that is woven throughout the series
  • A combined Leader’s Guide and Student Workbook that includes the study question responses
  • New insights from Dr. Sri


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