3 Keys to a Virtuous Life

3 Keys to a Virtuous Life

Dr. Edward Sri

We are trained to run businesses, build skyscrapers and create rockets, but we don’t know how to build the most basic things in life; friendship, marriage, and family. Today, Dr. Sri continues his discussion on virtue and teaches us how to educate ourselves in the virtues, how to intentionally practice the virtues in our daily lives, and how to rely on God’s grace to grow in virtue.

"We are trained to run businesses, build skyscrapers and create rockets, but we don’t know how to build the most basic things in life; friendship, marriage, and family."

Virtue allows us to create good friendships, build strong marriages, and form loving families. If we would like to live in community well, and create a better society, we must consistently strive for virtue. Here are three ways to practically grow in virtue:

“Human virtues acquired by education, by deliberate acts and by a perseverance ever-renewed in repeated efforts are purified and elevated by divine grace. With God's help, they forge character and give facility in the practice of the good. The virtuous man is happy to practice them.”

-CCC 1803
  1. Learn about the virtues

It is important for us to educate ourselves on the virtues and form our minds. We cannot strive for virtue if we don’t understand the meaning of virtue and the difference between the virtues and the vices. If we don’t form our minds, we will have a hard time even knowing what values we should be upholding.

  1. Intentionally Practice the Virtues

Living a virtuous life takes practice and perseverance. Proactively practice the virtues that directly oppose the vice or weakness you struggle with. It takes time and consistent effort to uproot our vices and replace them with virtues.

3. Rely on God’s grace

“It is not easy for man, wounded by sin, to maintain moral balance. Christ's gift of salvation offers us the grace necessary to persevere in the pursuit of the virtues. Everyone should always ask for this grace of light and strength, frequent the sacraments, cooperate with the Holy Spirit, and follow his calls to love what is good and shun evil.”

- CCC 1811

No matter how much we learn about the virtues, and try to overcome our vices, we cannot do it all on our own. We have to rely on God to help us overcome our weaknesses. We must do everything we can on our end and also fall on our knees and beg for God’s grace.

  • Pray every day, pick weaknesses that you want to overcome and bring it to the Lord in your prayer.
  • Seek the Sacrament of Confession.
  • Receive the Eucharist as often as you can.
  • Sit with Jesus in adoration.


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