O most holy Lady, Theotokos, light of my poor soul,
my hope, my protection, my refuge, my comfort, and my joy!
I thank you for having enabled me to be a partaker
of the most pure Body and most precious Blood of your Son.
Enlighten the eyes of my heart, O Blessed One
Enlighten the eyes of my heart, O Blessed One
who carried the Source of Immortality.
O most tender and loving Mother of the merciful God;
O most tender and loving Mother of the merciful God;
have mercy on me and grant me a repentant and contrite heart with humility of mind.
Keep my thoughts from wandering into all kinds of distractions,
and make me worthy always, even to my last breath,
to receive the most pure Mysteries of Christ for the healing of my soul and body.
Give me tears of repentance and thanksgiving that I may sing of you
Give me tears of repentance and thanksgiving that I may sing of you
and praise you all the days of my life,
for you are ever-blessed and praised.
-St. Cyril of Alexandria