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No Greater Love: Study Set

No Greater Love: Study Set

by Edward Sri
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Filmed on location in the Holy Land, No Greater Love is a biblical pilgrimage that reveals Christ’s amazing love for us. Best-selling author Edward Sri guides you through the last hours of Christ’s life, from the garden of Gethsemane to Mount Calvary. Every step of the way, Old Testament prophecies, messianic expectations, biblical symbolism, and historical context shed light on the mystery of Christ’s suffering and death. Experience a deeper understanding and appreciation of God’s immeasurable and unconditional love for you—grow closer to Jesus than you ever have before.

This Study Set includes:
The Full-Color No Greater Love Workbook – Provides session overviews, home reading assignments, engaging study questions, responses, and talk notes for the video presentations.
The No Greater Love Book – Provides a detailed overview of Jesus’ last hours.

This Study Set is essential for each participant and leader in a study group and for individuals who wish to do the study on their own. If you wish to lead a small group but would also like the DVDs, we recommend you purchase the No Greater Love Starter Pack.


SKU: 811661015445D
ISBN: 811661015445
Format: Student Pack
Weight: 1.96 lb
Ecclesiastical Designation: Imprimatur
Publisher: Ascension
Publication Date: Feb 28, 2019
Author(s): Edward Sri
Series: No Greater Love: A Biblical Walk Through Christ's Passion
Language: English
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Customer Reviews

Based on 54 reviews
Barbara P.
New for me!

I just listened to the intro and Day 1 of Salvific suffering. Interesting that in visiting friends today to loan them a walker, we got on the topic of pain and suffering. There was to be none if that in the garden of Eden. I look forward to continuing with this study.

Karla M.

Fabulous! Best by Sri. Read this do not miss out!

David A.M.
Provided great insights into the ties to old testament

We started a small group as part of the PECS program in our diocese and used this as the study focus during lent. It was a perfect way to prepare for Holy Week. Our group unanimously loved the format and video and Dr. Sri. He was a very knowledgeable yet down to earth presenter. The fact that it was filmed in the locations where the events took place was invaluable, especially for those who have not been to Israel, but even for those who have made the trip. It made the events more real and relatable. We especially liked to hear the discussions of the ties to Old Testament readings, which foretold the events that occurred on Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter. It made listening to the passion readings on Palm Sunday and Good Friday much more meaningful.
We would highly recommend this to anyone.

Geraldine C.
Wonderful way to travel through Lent

The entire course was very interesting, the reading of the book and the videos especially kept my attention and made the course come to life. I hope someday to visit the places in the Holy Land that were featured in this study and gain a better appreciation of the stories in the Bible.

No Greater Love "Notes"

The "No Greater Love" study by Dr. Edward Sri is remarkable. The insights and explanations were engaging. The videos were gorgeous. Dr. Sri fleshed out the ideas presented in the study in an easily understandable way. The information and background relating Old Testament prophesies to the New Testament Scriptures was compelling. Even the usage of certain words in various scriptures was highlighted to bring life and meaning to the text that I had not encountered before. It opened my eyes to the deeper meaning of the Passion narratives in a way that has brought me to a greater understanding of the designs and work that our Lord accomplished for us. It was so compelling to me that I wrote some 30 pages of notes in my journal so I could remember the significant insights. (Guess I should have purchased the workbook, too.)
Thank you, Dr. Sri! This study facilitated a great Lent for me! I am grateful!