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Introduction to the Devout Life (Catholic Classics)

Introduction to the Devout Life (Catholic Classics)

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Advice and encouragement for lay Catholics pursuing a personal relationship with God from a Doctor of the Church.


The first book of the Catholic Classics series, Introduction to the Devout Life is an updated translation of St. Francis de Sales’ original text that makes this key work of Catholic Tradition approachable to modern readers.

Written as a letter to St. Francis’ lay cousin, this classic yet relevant text features advice on the questions that members of the Catholic laity often ask themselves, such as:

  • Is living a holy life possible for those called to a vocation other than the religious life?
  • What do spiritual meditation and prayer look like amid the demands of daily life?
  • How can virtues be pursued and vices rooted out when temptations and occasions of sin abound?
  • Why can setting aside daily time for silent prayer and meditation seem like such a daunting task?
  • And more!

Written by Doctor of the Church St. Francis de Sales to offer sound preaching and clear instruction for Catholics and translated by Matthew K. Minerd to renew Catholics’ understanding and appreciation of this classic Catholic work, Introduction to the Devout Life promises that “it is possible to have an intimate and personal relationship with Jesus, regardless of the demands of everyday life.”

This special version includes:

  • The complete English translation of St. Francis de Sales’ 17th century work (which is not available in all translations)
  • Language updates that make the text accessible without changing its meaning or message
  • Expert commentary from Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P. and Fr. Jacob Bertrand Janczyk, O.P. introducing each section
  • A leather-like cover, foil stamping, and a place-holding ribbon

This beautiful book provides inspiration and guidance for all Catholics to deepen their personal relationship with God while living out their unique vocation.

A message from the Catholic Classics podcast hosts:

“St. Francis de Sales preached and wrote with a simple clarity. At the heart of his message is the conviction that God has made us for himself and that our Lord offers himself in prayer and sacrament as we grow in virtue and heal from vice. Like Catholics of the seventeenth century, we who are living in the twenty-first century can look with confidence to God as he applies his grace to our souls. May St. Francis de Sales and his Introduction to the Devout Life encourage you in your pursuit of Christ.”

—Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P., and Fr. Jacob Bertrand Janczyk, O.P.




SKU: 9781954881587
ISBN: 9781954881587
Format: Hardcover
Weight: 1.821 lb
Dimensions: L: 8.5, W: 5.5, D: 1.563
Page Count: 488
Case Count: 16
Ecclesiastical Designation: Imprimatur
Publisher: Ascension
Author(s): Matthew Minerd, St. Francis de Sales
Series: Introduction to the Devout Life
Language: English



SKU: 9781954881594
Weight: 1.821 lb
Language: English
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Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Juan P.B.
Spiritual Director, Doctor of the Church, Loving Father

This book has been an incredible gift from God! Having St. Francis de Sales as a spiritual guide and Father is a beautiful experience. This is a book for anyone who wishes to seriously take on their Faith and wants extensive guidance and inspiration. You don’t have to have great knowledge to be a saint, just be willing to show up. Sharing in this experience alongside Fr. Gregory Pine and Fr. Jacob Janczyk helps form even more community and guidance. They are a great help in tuning our modern ears to the beauty, the Truth, and the wholistic approach on Faith which is laid out in this book (listen to the podcast!).

Amy H.
Profoundly important

I have listened to the podcast created for this book; it is so important and so full of wisdom that I just bought two copies. I’ll be keeping one for myself and gifting the other to my godson for his confirmation. I hope to read and hear more of these Catholic Classics. Ascension Press is doing great work in making our faith and the works of the saints more accessible. You have my gratitude and prayers.

Devout Life for Sure

This book is great and is even better when you read it along with the podcast - easy to understand and relate to your life by making simple changes or incorporating new insights in your life. It is really helping me make Christ-like choices in my life, praying more regularly, and being more devout as a Catholic. The book is esthetically pleasing and the ribbon is a great bonus!


Take this beautiful edition of a gem of a classic and have it read to you by two trustworthy, gifted Fathers and you have something wonderfully incredible! One can feel the same ardent love from Father Gregory and Father Jacob-Bertrand as Philothea must have felt from these personalized writings of St. Francis De Sales. It is truly a masterpiece and slays me, one page at a time. Thank you Ascension!

St. Frances de Sales

This book is so well made, I love the hard cover and the ribbon.
The translation is very good!
I recommend!