Why Pray the Rosary?

The Power of Praying the Rosary

The Ascension Team

Fr. John Anthony speaks with Fr. Mark-Mary about the power of praying the Rosary. As he holds his Rosary made of gun metal, Fr. John Anthony tells us how the Rosary is a weapon against the powers of evil. If you don’t think you have time for the Rosary, be confident that when you do pray it Mary goes ahead of you and makes time for you to pray it.

Patricio Slim, son of Carlos Slim—one of the wealthiest people in the world—runs his father’s businesses. Father John Anthony knows Patricio, and learned that he is a devout Catholic who prays the Rosary three times a day. Patricio took the leap of faith to make time for the Rosary, and now he says he doesn’t have time to not pray it.

Join the spiritual battle this October, the month of the Rosary, and see the effects in your life.

Meet Fr. Mark-Mary

Father Mark-Mary was ordained as a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal (CFR) in 2018 and lives at a friary in the Bronx.

The mission of the CFRs is to wholeheartedly embrace Jesus through fidelity to the Church and her Sacraments. Paired with their commitment to prayer, contemplation, and study of Sacred Scripture, the CFRs serve those around them, especially the poor, in the footsteps of Christ.

Discover beautiful music from the CFRs here.
