Sts. Louis and Zelie Martin (Animated Short Film)

Sts. Louis and Zelie Martin (Animated Short Film)

The Ascension Team

"It is necessary that the heroic becomes daily and the daily becomes heroic.” ~ St. Zelie Martin
Most of us know of St. Therese of Lisieux, the great Doctor of the Church who teaches us her “Little Way". But how many of us know her parents who are also canonized saints?

After Louis Martin was rejected by the seminary and Zelie Guerin was rejected by the convent, the two future saints met and fell in love. Louis—a humble watchmaker—and Zelie—a skilled lacemaker—found a road to holiness in raising their five daughters to become Carmelite Sisters. Through much suffering—including the loss of two sons and two daughters in infancy—and much joy, Sts. Louis and Zelie teach us that there is a call for all married spouses to live a heroic virtue and sanctity.

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