Forming a Habit of Prayer

How to Form a Habit of Prayer

The Ascension Team

Fr. Mark-Mary and Fr. Emmanuel teach us not only how to pray, but how to form a habit of prayer.

It starts with the morning. Starting your day talking to God is perhaps the single most important thing when it comes to building a habit of prayer.

So what do you say?

If you’re not a morning person (many of us aren’t), the idea of praying in the morning is discouraging because the mind is still groggy. That’s why Father Emmanuel says to just remember the acronym P.A.L. (praise, ask, and listen).

Praise God for his goodness, ask him to meet your needs, and then wait patiently as you listen for his response.

For more guidance on prayer, read Jesus’ words in Matthew 6.

You can also check out these videos for more ideas on prayer.
