An Easy Way to Do a Daily Examen
The Ascension TeamFather Mark-Mary shows you how to do a daily examen – a simple spiritual exercise that could have a great impact on your life.
He recommends taking a few minutes in the middle of your day to write down five things to thank God for, five ways you’ve failed him, and five things coming up where you could use God’s help.
This “three-by-five Examen prayer” will help you know yourself better and give you direction in doing God’s will. If it helps, you can even write your daily examen down on a three-by-five inch index card.
Learn more about the CFRs here.
If you’ve been watching the CFR’s videos on Ascension Presents regularly, you’ve probably noticed how they’re popularized the phrase, “Somos peregrinos. Poco a poco, vamos a llegar” (We are pilgrims. Little by little, we will arrive.)
Now you can buy your own music and swag to spread that message even further with the Poco a Poco collection.