Why I Left the Catholic Church

Why I Left the Catholic Church

Jeff Cavins

What was it that made Jeff Cavins leave the Catholic Church as a young adult? Today, Jeff Cavins shares about the events and circumstances that led up to his leaving the Catholic Church. He also shares about his journey to falling in love with Scripture. Next week, be sure to tune in and hear about why Jeff returned to the Catholic Church over twenty years ago.

Snippet from the Show
"I was intrigued by their sense of community. They did everything together and I desired to have the kind of friendships I saw."

7 Reasons Why Jeff Left the Catholic Church

1. I was loved out of the Church, and no one missed me.
2. I was intrigued by their sense of community.
3. They were so focused on God speaking to them in the Bible, and I wanted God to speak to me.
4. The joy they had was infectious.
5. My family didn’t accept my new steps with the Lord.
6. I wanted my life to mean something, and I felt that God was speaking to me in the Word.
7. I saw people doing what I read that Jesus was doing.

Do you want to read a more in depth account of Jeff’s journey to the Catholic faith? Check out his book My Life on the Rock.

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