Weapons of Warfare: Part 2
Michael Gormley and Dave VanVickleThe term “Apotropaic” means seeking Christ’s warrior presence. In this episode, Mike Gormley and Dave VanVickle discuss more weapons of warfare and how we can seek his warrior presence in spiritual warfare. They teach us how truth and love can be used to fight the devil and the best ways to live out the corporal works of mercy.
Snippet from the Show
Truth and love are probably the most exorcistic things on Earth. Those two things are incredibly powerful in warding off the devil.
This term means seeking Christ’s warrior presence. Often, we approach Christ for healing, teaching, and comfort. In spiritual warfare, we seek his warrior and liberating presence.
Weapons of Warfare
Truth and love are some of our most powerful weapons in spiritual warfare. The spiritual and corporal works of mercy are some of the best ways for us to show love.
The Spiritual Works of Mercy
- To instruct the ignorant.
- To counsel the doubtful.
- To admonish the sinners.
- To bear patiently those who wrong us.
- To forgive offenses.
- To comfort the afflicted.
- To pray for the living and the dead.
The Corporal Works of Mercy
- To feed the hungry.
- To give water to the thirsty.
- To clothe the naked.
- To shelter the homeless.
- To visit the sick.
- To visit the imprisoned, or ransom the captive.
- To bury the dead.