Thankful People are Attractive People
Jeff gives ten tips to help you live a spirit of gratitude in every season of your life.
Gratitude in Scriptures and the Catechism
Healing of the Lepers Luke 17:11-19
- One man returned and said, “thank you.”
- The Church fathers and Doctors tell us that these physical healings we see in scripture are almost as it were sacramentals, pointing to the deep spiritual healing that the love of the trinity brings.
- A person with a thankful heart has a proper perspective.
- GK Chesterton said: “The secret to happiness is gratitude.”
- Check your heart, where do you stand? Restless, never satisfied, continually thinking about your problems, your circumstances?
- Ingratitude is a clear indicator of the heart turned in on itself, proud, never satisfied.
- The word thank is derived from the Old English thanc meaning thought. Thanking is related to thinking.
- Gratitude is the disposition; thanksgiving is its natural expression. Thankfulness, because it unites the mind and heart, is an expression of the whole person.
- CCC 224 One of the implications of having faith in one God is “it means living in thanksgiving.”
- Romans 1:21-32 Paul examined some of the most wicked depravities in the world, and he found a thankless heart at the root.
- We find Our Lady at the complete opposite. In the Magnificat (Luke 1:46-49) “The Mighty One has done great things for me.”
Tips For Cultivating Thankfulness
- Holy Discipline/ Independent of Feelings. Ephesians 5:19-20 and Colossians 3:17. A mature believer sees the hand of God in every circumstance in their life.
- For Small and Ordinary Things. Someone once said, “the only thing necessary to make us unappreciative of a blessing from God is that we should receive the blessing often and regularly. Think of the opportunities for the leper the following week. Look for the blessings in the mundane. Colossians 4:2; CCC 2638 “As in the prayer of petition every event and need can become an offering of thanksgiving.”
- Thank God in the midst of adversity. Paul said, “Give thanks in all circumstances.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18. Paul modeled this attitude when writing from prison Philemon 1:3.
- Set Aside Time Daily To Express Thanks to God. In ancient Israel, a daily habit of thanksgiving was important to the life of the nation that the Levites were officially appointed to stand in the temple every morning and evening to thank God (1 Chronicles 23:30). Daniel knelt three times a day to thank God (Daniel 6:10). Set you wrist alarm. CCC 1418 “visit Blessed Sacrament…proof of gratitude."
- Thank God Publicly and Corporately. The Mass is called the Eucharist
- Before the elements are consecrated Jesus gives thanks.
- The Gloria: “we give you thanks, we praise you for your glory.”
- Liturgy of the Word: The word of the Lord. Response: Thanks be to God.
- Eucharistic Prayer: “Let us give thanks to the Lord our God” “It is right to give Him thanks and praise.”
- No. 1: “The day before he suffered he took bread in his sacred hands and looking up to heaven, to you, his almighty Father, he gave you thanks and praise.”
- Concluding Rite: “Go in peace to love and serve the lord…Thanks be to God.
- Try voluntary fast from something you take for granted. Give up eating for a day, then thank God for your next meal. Walk to work, then thank him for your car or the bus.
- Keep a record of God’s faithfulness to you. “Count your blessings”
- Show gratitude and thankfulness toward others
- Think of 3 people you could write a note of thanks to. (Mr. Knight)
- 2 Corinthians 9:12 Paul told the Corinthians that generosity “is not only supplying the needs of God’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.”
- CCC 2220 Thank those who have passed on the faith to you.
- CCC 2215, 2218 Take care of parents in old age.
- Suffering from anxiety or worry? Paul commands those people to cultivate a life of thanksgiving, Phil 4:6. If you can’t sleep at night, rise and give thanks Ps 119:62.
- Allow the H.S. to awaken your memory during the “Liturgy of the Word” According to CCC 1103 the H.S. will inspire thanksgivings and praise. CCC 2807 Adoration can be understood as praise & thanksgiving.