The Year of St. Joseph, the Incarnation, and Fasting before Communion
Fr. Josh answers questions on the year of St. Joseph announced by Pope Francis, the mystery of the Incarnation, and the details of fasting before receiving Holy Communion.
"For the Son of God became man so that we might become God."- St. Athanasius
The Year of St. Joseph
Hi Fr. Josh. Thanks for your podcast and for encouraging me to sit down and actually read the Bible before doing other stuff. I appreciate the reminder. It's drawn me closer to God praise be My question is something you had mentioned on your podcast. You mentioned that Pope Francis recently said next year is the Year of Joseph. What does that mean, the year of? What should I be doing to celebrate or recognize or give thanks? Any help or insight would be much appreciated. Thank you Father.
The Incarnation
Hi Fr. Josh,
Now that we are in the season of Advent and preparing for the coming of Christ, I've been thinking more about the mystery of the Incarnation. I was wondering if you could help me understand why God would want to become one of us and how is Jesus God and man at the same time? I know that our human minds may never comprehend the incarnation perfectly, but could you elaborate a little bit on this part of Christianity?
Fasting before Communion
Hi Fr. Josh! I love your podcast and listen to it all the time while I'm working out. My question pertains to the Eucharistic fast. What if you accidentally break it -- should you not receive communion? Is it a sin if you still receive after you've eaten inside the hour? Thanks!
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- The Activated Disciple by Jeff Cavins
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