The World, the Flesh, and the Devil

The World, the Flesh, and the Devil

Michael Gormley and Dave VanVickle

Why are the sins of the flesh the weakest? Do you have strategies for fighting the world, the flesh, and the devil? Mike Gormley and Dave VanVickle reveal how most people may not have strategies for fighting the world, discuss using intentionality when consuming media, and how to conquer the world instead of avoiding it.

Snippet from the Show
The devil is trying to create a symphony that will crescendo into a life of dissipation and despair.

Our 3 Adversaries

  • The World
    • Today, it’s increasingly difficult to avoid the world. Unlike in past times, when we could simply avoid its pressures, today, we must conquer it.
    • We conquer the world by educating ourselves and our families on the truth and examining the media, TV shows, music, and other entertainment through the lens of truth.
  • The Flesh
    • The sins of the flesh are the lowest forms of temptation.
    • The flesh, in this context, means our fallen humanity.
  • The Devil
    • The devil and his temptations will try to dominate every aspect of our lives.
    • When the devil tempts Jesus with all the kingdoms of the world, Jesus doesn’t say those aren’t his to give. This is because the world, as in the fallen world, is under the domination of the devil.
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