The Sacredness of Your Existence
In this final episode of the Advent season, Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Ann Immaculée, and Sr. Marie Veritas discuss how the birth of Christ reminds us of the gift of our existence and the sacredness of every human life. The Sisters explain how honoring our dignity transforms the way we see ourselves and treat others. As we prepare for the coming of Christ, let us embrace the truth that we are good because God has chosen us and rescued us.
Snippet from the Show
"God has spoken, God has come, and Christmas says, you're worth it, I'm here, you're good, and you're good enough that I would even become one of you."
"The most sacred of all causes, the greatest gift God has given is the gift of being the gift of life."- Cardinal O'Connor
"I am, and I am no one but me. I share in the being, the is ness, the here ness of that God who defined himself. I am who am. I share in the very being of that God who brought me into existence out of absolutely nothing. He brought me into being through Christ, through the Word, after whose image and likeness I was fashioned. That is what I am, and I do not know why. I do not know why me. I do not know why you. I can but sense something of the wonder of it all."- Cardinal O'Connor
All of us derive our being from God. God derives his being from no one.God is God. Pure being, God, the sacred one, brought all of us into being, and so we are. And that's where we have to begin. Not where we're going, not what do we do. Not, what do we want to become in secular worldly terms? We are. The first vocation is to be. I asked that as a fundamental question and you must search tor the answer that question to the beginning of ti me. You are here because God made you out of nothing. Why you? Why me? But God brought us into being as we are. No one's sitting here as anyone else. Why are you you? Because God made you you. This is infinitely important. God brought you out of nowhere, out of nothingness. But you are no longer nothing. You are very much someone. Why? Because you share in the being of God himself. That's what creation is. God shares his being with what was not. In a billion years, I would not be able to argue that God should have brought me into being that God had the obligation to bring me into being or even why God brought me into being. But what a wonder this is. Being is rarely appreciated in this world. When we recognize what it means to be, that we are, that God brought us into being, it is a moment of powerful importance.- Cardinal O'Connor
"Next to the blessed sacrament itself, your neighbor is the holiest object presented to your senses. And if he is your Christian neighbor, he is holy in almost the same way. For in him also Christ, the glorifier and the glorified glory himself is truly hidden."- C.S. Lewis
"Who would find this easy to believe that mildness is just as necessary as force, perhaps even more so to become a saint. Mildness is not weakness, rather it is an indication of strength. Weak souls do their works with noise and show, the strong operate with marvelous gentleness.Life is as strong as it is gentle, love is as powerful as it is delicate, hence the action of God upon nature and in history, and on souls infinitely mighty and infinitely mild. The human soul is precious and delicate, it came forth from the divine lips as a most gentle breath. It is a reflection of God, a breath of the Most High. Let it be treated as it deserves, so that poised on the strong wings of might and of mildness, it may ascend to the holy regions for which it was born. That it may soar up to the bosom of God, who has infinite might and infinite mildness."- Archbishop Luis Martinez
Challenges of the Week
- Ask God for the grace to treat your soul and other people gently.
- Spend time reflecting on the image of the child Jesus and try to yourself in Christ and your own humanity in the flesh of God.
- Let yourself be at home with Jesus this Christmas. Reflect on GK Chesterton's poem: The House of Christmas
1 comment
Thank you Sisters. I greatly enjoy your candor, spiritual insight and how you interact together! You are truly a blessing to us. Please continue the Podcasts. God bless you!